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somewhat gross - tiny red dots near eyes...

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DD, 16, is in a panic - she has dozens of tiny, pinprick-size red dots around both eyes. Hasn't been wearing make-up or using any new products or eating any new foods - I haven't changed laundry detergents - so probably not an allergic reaction to anything. We are in an air conditioned house so can't be heat related ;)


She did have a tummy bug and really , well, upchucked "strongly" the other night. The dots appeared several hours later. Could it still be related? I did internet search and it would appear that straining to poop/puke/give birth can cause tiny blood vessels to pop near the eyes. Should we assume this is it?

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Yes... you can burst the tiny capillaries from violent vomiting. This has happened to my children. The splotching should heal (like a bruise) over time, and disappear. They will turn a bit brown first, and then go away.

Edited by LisaK in VA
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Yes... you can burst the tiny capillaries from violent vomiting. This has happened to my children. The splotching should heal (like a bruise) over time, and disappear. They will turn a bit brown first, and then go away.


:iagree: This happens to me every time I vomit. It was real fun during the early days of all my pregnancies.

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From wiki:


The most common cause of petechiae is through physical trauma such as a hard bout of coughing, vomiting or crying, which can result in facial petechiae, especially around the eyes. Petechiae in this instance are completely harmless and usually disappear within a few days.


Pronounced puh-TEEK-ee-eye

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Thanks all. DD is relieved that it is not a sign of Major Disease or Leprosy or Facial Deformity (vain teen here) BUT she claims the concealer doesn't cover it well enough for her to venture out of the house today!


She has to tomorrow, we have a funeral to attend. That should put her woes in perspective!;)

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