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Sunday morning whine...cheese to go w/ it anyone?

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Ah, forget it. What's the sense in whining and complaining, right? There is always somebody worse off than you. I just deleted my whine and will simply ask for prayer and good thoughts for:


1. Contentment. I'm usually pretty optimistic and content but this morning I'm just not feeling it!


2. For labor to start...NOW. I'm overdue, miserable and wondering if my poor, tired uterus has forgotten how to do this labor thing. :D


3. Getting over this resentment I'm feeling toward dh. The short of it? Yesterday while I spent all day cleaning, vacuuming, doing laundry, etc., he slept, watched tv, played video games. :glare: He is NOT sick and did NOT work a hard week (even he'll admit to that). This was just the icing on the cake. No bashing...just prayers to get over this yucky feeling I have.


4. Our financial situation to improve.


Okay, that's enough. I covet your prayers and good thoughts. Thanks for reading. I'll be back to my old, optimistic, content self very soon, I'm sure. :D

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to help and he said no? Or, are you being a martyr and doing it yourself and then hating him later? Because that is exactly what my mom used to do to my dad and I kinda think it was her own fault. Talk to him! He's probably WAY to used to you doing everything and just thinks that is how it should be. If he actually refuses, then you have other problems.

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to help and he said no? Or, are you being a martyr and doing it yourself and then hating him later? Because that is exactly what my mom used to do to my dad and I kinda think it was her own fault. Talk to him! He's probably WAY to used to you doing everything and just thinks that is how it should be. If he actually refuses, then you have other problems.



Okay, you caught me, but I don't hate him...not at all. I'm trying not to play the martyr...dh's mother did that too and still does. But, yes, you're right. It's unfair. In my defense? When I do ask...dh sees it as nagging and gets upset w/ me. For ex/ I've spoken to him about several simple "projects" around the house that need to get done and to this day, they remain untouched. Easier to do it myself. But you're right, if that is the case, I shouldn't complain. You're right, you're right, I know you're right. I'll stop complaining now. I honestly appreciate your perspective and putting me in my place. Suppose I needed that this morning.

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I was overdue with five of my six, one of them by two weeks. I was miserable and even resorted to castor oil. It worked by the way if you want to give it a try, plus you with be confined to the restroom and therefore unable to do any cleaning and such. Here's hoping that the baby make's an appearance soon and that everything else falls into place as well. :)

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Ah, Sue! I can really relate to the my weekend of work, work, work while dh is sleeping in and then playing World of WarCraft for 2 days straight. He does work hard/long hours all week though and I'm glad he has the weekend to relax. But if I lounge around, I feel guilty! Self-imposed, I'm sure.


My dh will help out whenever I ask but only if I ask. Now, I not talking about projects...he's got to decide he wants to paint or trim the bushes. But holding the 2yo or checking to see if the kids cleaned their rooms -- that he'll gladly do! I don't ask if he's in group, I try to make it easy on him. :)


And being overdue...I can relate to that too! I'm always 10-14 days late. No fun. Hopefully all your "nesting" yesterday will mean baby before the end of the day!


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to help and he said no? Or, are you being a martyr and doing it yourself and then hating him later? Because that is exactly what my mom used to do to my dad and I kinda think it was her own fault. Talk to him! He's probably WAY to used to you doing everything and just thinks that is how it should be. If he actually refuses, then you have other problems.


Are you seriously telling an overdue pregnant woman something is *her* fault? LOL! You're nuts!! :lol:

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Are you seriously telling an overdue pregnant woman something is *her* fault? LOL! You're nuts!! :lol:



:iagree: and here are some hugs :grouphug: for you Sue!


It isn't anything new that you are feeling, definitely! On the brighter side: at least you're not overdue in August! :) You'll feel much better as soon as that baby is out! ;)

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Are you seriously telling an overdue pregnant woman something is *her* fault? LOL! You're nuts!! :lol:


LOL! You are all too easy on me! Thanks so much for that laugh. Honestly though...I think I needed that chastisement and to be "put in my place". Whining isn't becoming and resentment certainly isn't healthy. I'm working on it..really I am! :)

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LOL! You are all too easy on me! Thanks so much for that laugh. Honestly though...I think I needed that chastisement and to be "put in my place". Whining isn't becoming and resentment certainly isn't healthy. I'm working on it..really I am! :)


Just my opinion, but nobody who has carried a baby past their due date deserves ANY kind of chastisement or in-their-place-putting! This is such an amazing thing to have done, and you deserve kudos and can whine all you want!

Sending hugs your way.


Come out little baby, come out! Mama has been working so hard to keep you healthy and safe, now come out into her loving arms, so we can all meet you and welcome you to this big, weirdly wonderful world. COme out little baby, come out!:001_smile:

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