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Transcripts including summer courses

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I'm just wondering how you set up a transcript for your high school student if you school year-round or if you have the student do an intensive course in the summer. Would you include the summer work in with the next grade level so all summers could be used before graduation? Ideas as far as how to arrange the transcript for that?

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I count school on a calendar year (Sept 1-Aug 31) until the Sr. yr. Since all college apps have to be in in the spring, the summer before College Freshman Fall would be a transcript-free zone. Any hs level work they did summer before hs freshman, counted for hs (as can any taken in 8th grade.)

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I've been putting summer coursework with the previous schoolyear. My oldest has taken a summer course at the cc every summer since she has been eligible to do so. The one she took between 10th and 11th grades was counted as a 10th grade course.


I have a semester-by-semester transcript right now and the first semester of each schoolyear is listed as Fall while the second semester is listed as Spring and Summer.

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Our school year goes from July-May, so I don't have exactly that problem. However, I did spread Government/Economics over all 4 years of high school (just one-three books per year, with discussion and writing--no textbooks). I then put it with whichever year of high school seems most reasonable. I put it in the 12th grade for my oldest, but I will probably put it in the 11th grade year for my current senior, since he only needs to finish a couple of chapters of Economics in One Lesson to finish up the credit, and did more work in 9th-11th.

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It doesn't matter, really.


When Mr. Ellie was in school in Southern Calif, it was common for most kids to take their required courses in summer school. They could take two classes each summer; by the time they got to their senior years, they might only have to take 4 fun classes such as choir or P.E. :-) Some graduated in January instead of waiting until June.


Anyway, the classes they took in summer were year-specific; IOW, American history was a junior year class, so it wouldn't matter whether they took it the summer before their junior year or two summers before...it was still a junior year class, and it was just listed along with the other classes. I'm pretty sure there wasn't a date or anything, just semester grades and credit earned.

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