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Prayer Request (CC)

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I have posted on here previously about my FIL who has cancer. We really need prayer now - for him, my dh's family and for us.

We received a phone call this afternoon from my MIL. They took my FIL to the hospital Thursday evening where they had to increase his morphine for pain. The nurse then told my MIL to expect about two weeks until he passes. This is a shock for my MIL as they have not asked 'how long?' during this entire process. She has not wanted to know. She has not wanted to watch the calendar as the days pass. Now she is.

They both live in SC. One of my sister-in-laws is there with them, we are in SW VA and the other two siblings are in PA.

For us, please pray an additional prayer. Many of you know that my DH lost his job mid-June. Money is tighter than ever, and we do not know how we are going to get down there in the next two weeks. We are only praying for God to provide a way. DH unemployment hearing is not until the 19th of this month. We do not even have that resource to count on as of yet. UGH.

We know God can provide.

Please pray for comfort for my FIL, my MIL and the family during this time. Please pray for God to provide for us to be able to travel to SC to see my FIL before he passes.


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:grouphug: for this sad and difficult family situation. Regarding the trip, I believe some airlines (at least used to) provide bereavement tickets. You could check with a travel agent to see if this is an option. Otherwise, there may be a local charity that helps with this type of thing, maybe a cancer charity, or your local place of worship.


Honestly, I would go to priceline.com or another discount ticket service, book the cheapest tickets you can find, put them on the credit card, and work out the payment afterward. Men have a very hard time accepting that they are not able to provide for their family. He only has one father, and if he doesn't go, the guilt that he was not able to see him in his final days because he didn't have the money to do so will weigh on him for the rest of his life. Just go.

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Praise God! A very dear friend has given us a gift from their monthly 'giving' money and DH will be able to go down to be with his parents.

This is an answered prayer.

Please continue to pray for comfort for the family, and now safe travels for my dh. He is beside himself...

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