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Speaking of tetanus shots - question for Soph the vet

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The thread about getting a tetanus shot after a dog bite made me wonder...


I get bitten by rabbits on a regular basis. Because rabbits are herbivores, usually this results in shallow little cuts that barely bleed at all. Some bites are little deeper and messier, but not really "puncture" wounds. Once a bunny bit me right where a vein is, and it bled like mad, but that's not typical.


Should I have a tetanus shot, since I'm working with animals? I usually just was the bite area, or if it's very minor and I'm busy, I slather it with hand sanitizer. But that other thread has me wondering...



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I was aware of that, thanks though:)-- I had a cousin who got "cat scratch fever" it was pretty bad so I'm a little crazy w/the hydrogen peroxide or iodine etc. I've been around animals my whole life and never thought tetanus was a concern w/bites or other animal punctures.

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While you're waiting around for Soph to show up.........


If you work with rabbits and get bitten a lot I wonder if you should look into getting a rabies vac. Vets get them and every so often they get a booster.


We briefly considered getting a rabies vac for the guys after our scare this year but they are pricey.


Frankly, I'm astonished that folks don't keep their tets up. It's so easy, doesn't hurt, and then you don't have to worry about it. We keep them up, and when the kids are cut on barb wire or whatever I don't have to worry about it. Why WOUDLN'T you get one?


Edited- forget about the rabies. We considered it because our cattle are sometimes bitten by coons or whatever, but I guess with caged rabbits they not only wouldn't be exposed, but they would have already been vac. for rabies. You don't vac cattle for rabies, not the number we have anyway. I tend to overthink rabies, we've had to kill suspected rabid coons and skunks before, so it's always on my brain's back burner. Get the tet anyway.

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I don't think there's a risk of rabies. These bunnies live in cages inside a building, and are supervised when they're outside in exercise pens. So they have no contact with wild animals. But I think a tetanus shot is a good idea; I'm thinking it's been 20 years since I got one!



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Not Soph - but here's some information about tetanus.



From http://www.cdc.gov/MMWR/PREVIEW/MMWRHTML/00046462.htm


An acute injury sustained before onset of illness was identified for 148 (77%) of the 192 tetanus cases. Of these cases, 72 (49%) occurred after puncture wounds. The most frequently reported type of puncture wound was sustained by stepping on a nail, which was reported by 23 (16%) of all patients who had sustained an identified acute injury. The other most frequently reported types of acute injury were lacerations (20%) and abrasions (12%). Five patients had been bitten or scratched by animals, including one patient who reported having been scratched in the face by a peacock.



It's not common, but we are vigilant in this country about vaccinating for tetanus. It is standard of care to give dT for any puncture wound or burn, and those numbers would be much higher if it wasn't done.


Tetanus is very common worldwide, but I couldn't find any information about how many cases are caused by animal bites.

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Frankly, I'm astonished that folks don't keep their tets up. It's so easy, doesn't hurt, and then you don't have to worry about it. We keep them up, and when the kids are cut on barb wire or whatever I don't have to worry about it. Why WOUDLN'T you get one?




Well, I seriously always forget to tell them I need one, when I'm at the Dr. :o

I know I should make a special trip just for that. Actually, I need to take dd to the hospital for some x-rays anyway- maybe they'll let me do a walk-in to get the shot. I just need to program an alarm on my cell or something, to remind me while I'm there so I don't forget again. :tongue_smilie: And I should go ahead and put my vaccination card in the truck, so I'll have that with me too.

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I am supposed to keep my tetanus boostered every five years due to the nature of my work (I am actually lapse right now, I think it has been about ten years) Eliana aptly pointed out that regular folk should be boostered every ten. There is no need to booster ahead of time if you are still current from a rabbit bite. Animal bites, especially cats, can be potentially life-threatening if you get infected with Pasteurella or other resistant bacteria found on their teeth. Cat bites should always be seen by a physician.

As for rabies. I was vaxed 18 years ago when I began vet school, it was mandatory. I have never been boostered, but my titers were still good many years past the "expected life of the vaccine". I would NOT recommend a rabies vaccine for anyone unless they are working with animals often, especially feral populations and here is why. One of my classmates got deathly ill from the vaccine, she did recover though. When I was a resident, there was a student who developed Lupus from the vaccine (they think).

Of course post exposure rabies treatment is another story, of course if you suspect you were bitten by a rabid animal get the post exposure treatment! There is only one or two humans known to have survived a true case of rabies and they are living (miraculously) with lifelong disabilities!

Hope that answered your question. You can always PM me.:001_smile:

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Thanks for the info! Next time I go to the doctor, I'll ask for a booster. I don't worry about rabies with the bunnies, as they are kept indoors in cages (they're domestic rabbits, not cottontails or jackrabbits). We don't take them in straight from the wild, either; most of them come to us from the humane society or other shelters.



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