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It appears that the hive needs some uplifting threads so I will start. Good news here

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So, the saga of MIL and the car she can't afford and would put us in a bind and what not, is over! It is resolved in a way that both dh and his mother can handle. Believe it or not, dh's brother - the one that never contributes to the care of his mother - heard through the family rumor mill that his sister and her conniving daughter had talked his mother into buying a brand new jeep off the lot!


Guess what he did???? He found a used one with very low miles near his home in NC that was in mint condition and already had running boards. He put his own money down on it and then called MIL and said, "Mom, I found a jeep for you and I think this is a good buy. The owner took excellent care of it but he lost his job and can't afford to have two vehicles. This must go and soon so he is flexible on the price." She agreed, dh said yes, and within about an hour he had secured a car that she has had her heart set on for 1/3 the cost of new. She sent him a check today and it didn't bleed her immediate savings dry. She still has some accessible emergency money left. Plus, dh's brother is having a handicap handle installed (at his own cost) on the same door post as the shoulder belt harness. She will be able to hold onto both the door and the handle when exciting the vehicle which makes the issue of her balance and falling quite a bit less frightening. No loan....no having to tell her that dh won't co-sign, no politics. And he called his sister, told her to take a hike and stop trying to spend her mother's money inappropriately, and then told his niece off as well! Boy, I don't know what bee got into his bonnet but I could kiss that little insect!


Dh's brother has never offered assistance of any kind so we just about fell over backward when he did this. I figured that I would have to fly down (at our cost) and drive it back. But, HE IS BRINGING IT TO HER!!! His daughter is coming back up here to college two weeks early because she's got some activities to attend. She will drive her father's car and he'll drive the jeep. No cost to anyone!!!!! I am still trying to fathom this! The car insurance will be 1/3 of the quote for the new vehicle with a loan.


Boy, this is wonderful news. Additionally, though very stressed, I took her blueberry picking along with my youngest son. It was a lovely afternoon, nice breeze, low humidity, comfortable temps and pleasant conversation. The blueberries are yummy and she was tickled pink so I think I've earned my good daughter in law stripe for the week. Whew!


Therefore, let this thread be open to all who want to read good news and post good news.



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Awesome!! :001_smile: The only good news I have is...we had a good homeschooling day today! The 5 year-old was laughing and hugging me when we did the "Walk like an animal" game in MFW K. She thought that was so funny. :lol:

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Wonderful news!! Maybe it's the old "don't mess with my momma" coming out in him. I would take it as a compliment to you, which means he doesn't have to do anything when she is in your and your dh's hands.


I would probably go overboard with the accolades for him, maybe he'd do more for her in the future.


BTW I've wanted a Jeep all my life. Dh has promised me one once we hand my current vehicle over to ds at age, 16 he'll buy me one. Only 3 more years to go.

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After quite a few rough days, ds and I had a really really good homeschool day today. It ended with "art" and he asked if I would teach him to crochet, so we ran out, bought some yarn, and he managed a chain stitch long enough to make a jump-rope. It's too light to spin effectively, but he's still thrilled.


And we met with his allergist yesterday and HE DOESN'T NEED SHOTS yet. We're going to continue to watch for a couple of months. The @#$&% nurse who did the second skin test said, "You'll have to keep him in a bubble. He's allergic to everything and will probably be started on 3 shots." I've been gearing up for waiting in an office 2x a week for 30 min after getting shots - and now I've got a ton of free time since we don't need to. :D

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