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Prenatal vitamins

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I have had two positive home pregnancy tests this week. I haven't been to the doctor yet, but I want to get started on some good prenatal vitamins. I would prefer something food based, not a lot of extra herbs, and not more than 3 pills a day. What are your favorites? I have read lots of good reviews of New Chapter Perfect Prenatal. The only thing that concerns me is that it has soy.



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Hi Jan,


Congratulations! How exciting!!!!!! :)


I use "nature made" brand multi vitamins. It is not a "prenatal" vitamin but as long as your vitamin has 100% RDA of folic acid then it should be ok. (of course check with your doctor) I have used it for all my PGs and my OB/GYN has been fine with it. I just take one per day. It is really important that you start taking something ASAP. The most critical stage of development is early pregnancy. If you want to check out the ingredients, they probably have them on their website: http://www.naturemade.com


Best of luck!!!!





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