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What phonics for a 2nd grader who has been in public school?

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My SIL called asking me for phonics suggestions for her dd who will be in 2nd grade this year. She was in public school for K and 1st, and SIL said the phonics teaching was strong, and she'd like to make sure that she finishes covering it well in 2nd. My 2nd grader is using R&S, but I really had trouble recommending it to her, because although it is strong, it covers a lot of concepts that I don't necessarily feel are necessary for this age (like writing out pronunciations with the diacritical markings). I will probably end up skipping portions of it for ds, or at least changing the order of the units so that the hardest stuff is at the end of the year. SIL said she's fine with a phonics program that doesn't use diacritical markings.


So, what would you suggest?


ETA: She is considering using R&S for Spelling, which I told her is good. I'm just not sure she'd like the 2nd grade phonics!

Edited by lotsofpumpkins
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2nd grade we used Explode the Code and Phonics Pathways. These seemed to work well and can be used as a whole phonics curric or to supplement other currics.


I mentioned those to her; I told her if she wants just an oral program, PP would be a good review of all the rules. But if she wants to use the ETC workbooks, she'd have to figure out where to jump in. I wasn't sure what to tell her on that; I guess she'd have to look at all the TOC.

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Does your sister know what curriculum they used in the PS? I am sticking with Saxon Phonics 2 for DD this year since she did Saxon Phonics 1 last year in a class setting. One, it worked well for her and she enjoyed it, and two, I didn't want to switch to a program that did things differently and confuse her.


If what the school used was workign for her DD, I would look at continuing a program with a similar approach.

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Well, my son did Saxon phonics 1 in the ps and had a fabulous teacher and when I brought him home, we never did any more phonics. He is a voracious reader. I did phonics with my girl through 2nd grade because there is no way we could finish Saxon phonics 1, it went way too fast for her especially with her vision problems. Ny son read Chronicles of Narnia to me with no errors in 2nd grade, so I dropped phonics. (I didn't know how to teach it anyway!!)



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