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Am I crazy to not use my homeschool room?

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I know I'm lucky to be able to have a separate homeschool room, but it's in the basement, so we usually end up doing it in the diningroom. I have all the dc's art supplies in the diningroom, and we have a greatroom, and it's so light and bright, I prefer it.


Here's another question that goes along with this. We have a playroom off of the kitchen (was supposed to be a sunroom) that is much smaller than our schoolroom, but I was wondering if/how I could incorporate that into our schoolroom. Then, we could do school at the kitchen table and the playroom, but if they were going to do anything creative, all of the stuff is in the diningroom already. Is it crazy to try this when I have a perfectly good room downstairs?


I was trying to find the thread where someone talked about using there playroom as a schoolroom, but couldn't locate it.


The reason I'm asking this now, is that today is the big homeschool room cleanout day, and I'm trying to organize and get things ready.


What do you guys think?

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We quit using our school room last year. Dd is old enough that I don't need to sit beside her while she works. If I'm downstairs doing dishes or working on the computer (that is code for visiting WTM forums), I don't think it necessary that dd be upstairs alone.


So she sits in her daddy's recliner and does her work. We have some books up stairs and some down. It works well for us.

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I do workbooks (Math, Spelling, etc.) in the homeschool room. It's nice to have everything needed close by, and I use workboxes so it makes more sense to work there. I also have the bookcases there, so it's a great place to start the day.


Reading lessons, read alouds, games, history, and science are wherever the mood strikes, though. :D To me, that is part of what makes homeschooling fun. Some days we sit on the front porch, sometimes we sit under the trees in the backyard, sometimes we curl up on the couch, lots of options.

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The best homeschool room is the one you use! We have a separate learning room but more for me than the dcs. I like having everything together and I avoid running from room to room to find things. However, it is upstairs and I have a constant pile of things at the bottom of the stairs needing to go upstairs. The think I like is that I can go there for planning and be alone!! I throw the dcs outside, well not literally as they go freely, and plan, plan, plan. No TV!! No noise except my own choosing. Love it in one place but we "school" all over the house.

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