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A place to submit children's poetry?

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My daughter writes some really wonderful poetry. She has had her poems published in our little local homeschool newsletter but I'd love to giver her the opportunity to pursue publication in something larger.


Does anyone have any suggestions for magazines or publications we could look into?

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IIRC, Children's Writers and Illustrators Market has a section that's specifically for young writers with guidelines for submitting and lists of contests. It's an expensive volume, but large libraries will have it, hopefully in its current version or not more than a year or so out of date. Use it to get leads then double check submission guidelines on individual publishers' websites. There are many, many contests, journals, books and websites that accept poetry specifically from young writers.


This is probably totally not an issue and you're probably totally savvy, but if she starts submitting to lots of places, just be aware of the absurd number of publishing scams there are out there in the world. You should never pay to have you work placed or represented (unless you're specifically trying to self-publish something and want to sink money into it, that is). The publisher of the "Market" books is a good source, but every once in awhile a bad seed gets listed. Scams on the internet for publishing and agents abound. The standard writers' source for these is the website Predators and Editors (http://pred-ed.com/).


Good luck to her!

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