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Totally Psyched - Just got 'AP' Approval

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Approval feels great, doesn't it. I submitted my AP Environmental Science last Tuesday and got approval in 1 hour, but I'm still waiting for approval on my AP European History syllabus that I submitted at the same time. Environmental Science was the one I was worried about due to the lab component so I was relieved that the process went smoothly!




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I heard back very quickly also. I heard back in one day, and was asked to resubmit showing evidence of one aspect of writing. It was a quick fix, and when I resubmitted I got an email back in an hour. What a celebration!


How much time did you guys spend pulling it all together?


I spent months on my syllabus. I put in much more information than many of the syllabus examples that AP Central provides. Some of the syllabi that are provided by College Board/AP Central are fairly brief, so you don't necessarily have to have complete lesson plans for each week. If you are knowledgeable about the course material, the syllabus is not such a daunting process.


Did you search out materials from other AP teachers, or what?


I did a LOT of Googling -- looking at loads of public school AP teacher websites. There is also an AP "Listserv" that you can sign up for in most of the AP areas. I think some are more robust in their discussion than others. As you can imagine, the AP English listserve stays fairly busy. :001_smile:

Edited by Brigid in NC
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I would love do do this, but there is no place around here that will administer the tests to homeschoolers. :glare:


This was a big help to me when I was searching for schools to contact. The AP Ledger lists all the schools that have approved syllabi, by subject. You can search for schools in your area in a variety of ways, including by subject and city, to narrow down or expand the schools you might want to contact. When you call, you'll want to ask for the AP Coordinator.


Good luck. I hope you find schools in your area who are willing to help you out. We have had good luck with the private schools (a good testing environment on test day), but our public schools seem fairly willing also.


AP Ledger

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This was a big help to me when I was searching for schools to contact. The AP Ledger lists all the schools that have approved syllabi, by subject. You can search for schools in your area in a variety of ways, including by subject and city, to narrow down or expand the schools you might want to contact. When you call, you'll want to ask for the AP Coordinator.


Good luck. I hope you find schools in your area who are willing to help you out. We have had good luck with the private schools (a good testing environment on test day), but our public schools seem fairly willing also.


AP Ledger


Thanks Brigid. I have looked at that before, but the problem here is that the public schools are very anti-homeschooling, and the private ones are religious based, so don't want to let kids test who aren't students there. I suspect it's a $$ thing, meaning that if you don't pay their yearly tuition, you don't test. It really gets my back up.


I'm planning to call a few and offer a donation to the school/scholarship fund/whatever and see if anyone would agree to that (I know we don't pay tuition, so I'd be more than happy to offer a 'thank you', you know?), but I'm not holding my breath. There are TONS of hsers around here, so there is a huge need for testing.


I wish the Collegeboard would REQUIRE schools to allow hsers in. Think of the money they would get!! At the very least, I'd like to see the SAT test centers allow AP testing. I won't hold my breath on that, either, though!

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How wonderful! Would love to hear more about the experience when you have a chance!


It did take me some time to get a handle on the subject, but the college board site is very helpful in providing sample syllabuses and the criteria that they will judge by. I submitted my syllabus on Friday morning and heard back Friday evening. I was expecting a 2 month turn-around, so was I surprised!

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