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I love homeschooling!!!!

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My 5 year old son just had an A-HA moment where I SAW the light come on and him understand what I was saying!!! :thumbup1: I love these moments! Mom's of public schoolers miss out on so much! This is one of those moments I treasure forever! I LOVE when this happens!!!!! :D

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
had to add my thumbs up!!!
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Just wanted to say Hooray!! :)


And also ask what calendar do you use for teaching calendar work? I've been on the look out for a good one and have yet to find one just like I want. (And I'm not quite sure what I want!) That could easily be the problem!

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Just wanted to say Hooray!! :)


And also ask what calendar do you use for teaching calendar work? I've been on the look out for a good one and have yet to find one just like I want. (And I'm not quite sure what I want!) That could easily be the problem!



I have this one that I ordered from Rainbow Resource. I LOVE it!!! Click on the more views and you can see it closer!

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Guest Cindie2dds
My 5 year old son just had an A-HA moment where I SAW the light come on and him understand what I was saying!!! :thumbup1: I love these moments! Mom's of public schoolers miss out on so much! This is one of those moments I treasure forever! I LOVE when this happens!!!!! :D


I agree! This is the main reason we homeschool. I want to be there for beautiful moments like this! :)

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Does anyone remember the movie "You've got mail"? I thought it would be okay to watch with my 15, 11, and 9 year old. Realize how hard it can be to accommodate all 3 ages. It was okay, but in one scene the father is kissing his date, and the son says on the telephone (as he's watching the kiss) "Oh no, she's a prostitute (subsitute this with slang beginning with h - I'm trying to keep it clean to not offend someone). My 9 year old asks, what's that mean Mom? Before I could come up with an answer my 11 year old answers, "It's a homeless person." The movie continued. THAT'S why I homeschool. My older two knew the true meaning of this word by the time they were 11 because they had heard it (and explained) in school. I don't want to protect them forever, but I do value that my younger girls can hold on to their innocence a while longer.

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I love these moments! I love the joy and pride on my daughter's face when she decodes a new, difficult word. I love that when she finally figures out a tough math problem it's ME she comes running to with her excitement. :D It is just as gratifying as watching her take her first steps, or say her first word... possibly even more so, since she is old enough to understand that she is accomplishing something now.

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