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Edible Earth

Staci in FL

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We made a pizza. We used different cheeses to show the different layers and a slice of tomato in the middle to show the molten core. We didn't use a recipe, just put it together ourselves based on a description in a science program.

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Because my favorite models are 99% sugar... It was a Tootsie Pop (the tootsie roll in the center is the inner core, and the lollipop part is the outer core), which we crammed into a squashed marshmallow (mantle), and dipped in melted chocolate (crust).


Of course you could use something healthier - a whole stone-fruit for the core, peanut butter mantle and roll it in graham cracker crumbs for the crust? But I can tell you, the candy was a memorable project!


(And in case anyone thinks school is all candy here... for volcanos I go with skillet lasagna. When you melt the cheese on top, all that marinara sauce starts bubbling through and tada! pyroclastic flow! ;))

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You guys are making me want to do earth science all over again!! Ds one is doing chemistry. Ds two is doing biology. We're throwing in a bit of physics. I'm thinking earth science is overkill.:) Just maybe we'll have to make an edible earth. Hmmm.......which one, though....pizza? marshmallows and chocolate? ice cream?


What great ideas! Thank you.

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