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do those of you with milk intolerance/allergy have issues with Lactaid?


I'm wondering if this could be the source of my sometimes severe pain. I only recently became milk intolerant so I use Lactaid in my coffee.


If there's an allergy, Lactaid could be deadly.

Ds is allergic to milk. He has a reaction to the milk protein - not to lactose.

So if you've got an intolerance to lactose, then lactaid should be okay.

If you have an allergy or an intolerance to milk, then don't use lactaid.

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If there's an allergy, Lactaid could be deadly.

Ds is allergic to milk. He has a reaction to the milk protein - not to lactose.

So if you've got an intolerance to lactose, then lactaid should be okay.

If you have an allergy or an intolerance to milk, then don't use lactaid.


I'm not really sure what I have. I'm 47 and realized that suddenly milk products caused severe pain in me, sometimes diarrhea. So I'm guessing lactose intolerant?

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My dd and I, who are both lactose intolerant, have tried it. We found it gives us the same problems that milk does.


Try either cream or half-and-half in your coffee. I have found that cream doesn't bother me. Maybe it will work for you too.


wow. I'm surprised. Thank you. I should have realized this sooner...... I will give cream a try.

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My daughter and I are both lactose intolerant. My daughter gets stomach pain, followed by gas and diarhea. I only get the last two. Lactaid is helpful for us. We can also eat hard cheeses and tolerate some yogurts as long as we don't overdo it. Rarely we have ice cream but we sometimes it's worth the consequences ;)


I have a friend who is lactose intolerant who ends up with severe stomach pain after ingesting ANY dairy. She is ill for hours.


I think it's a spectrum, just like anything else I guess.

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Lactaid pills and lactaid milk do not work for me at all.


The weird thing about being lactose intolerant is that what affects one person may not affect another.


I steer clear of milk, icecream, cheese, etc.


My father would get extremely ill from having milk in his coffee yet ate ice cream every single day.

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What I've been told is that if you're lactose intolerant, & it really is just the lactose that's the issue, then the lactase WILL work but the dosage you may need may be MUCH higher than the tablets advise on the pkg.


You CAN rebuild some tolerance to lactose by going dairy free for several weeks, & then taking double or triple the extra strength of lactase, then wean down gradually until you find your lactase dose.


I have had to do this numerous times in my life & it does work.


Lactose intolerance is IME a cumulative thing. If you go for a long time with little to no dairy, you will be able to tolerate some. If OTOH, you have a lot of dairy for a long time, you will gradually get worse & worse in your ability to tolerate it. Then you need to cold turkey & "reset your lactose button".


I finally gave up & switched to soy milk. This way I can still have a bit of ice cream (esp important in the summer!) & hard cheese (with lactase pills, of course). It was the milk in my cereal that was really setting me off.


Oh - & one way to test this is to buy the pretreated milk for a trial. If you react to the pretreated milk, it's not lactose that's your issue. Because the milk is pretreated, you're not relying on the pills dissolving in the stomach at the right time etc or there being enough enzyme etc.

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Lactaid and Dairy-Ease pills didn't work for my son and I. However, Digestive Advantage Lactose Intolerance formula worked very well. Where Lactaid and Dairy-Ease are just lactase, Digestive Advantage also contains probiotic cultures. You might give that a try instead.

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There are two different things in milk that might cause you distress: one is lactose, and the other is casein.


Lactaid was fine for me until about a year ago, and then I started having problems with all dairy. I cut out casein (went dairy-free, basically), and that has totally changed things for me. Even a small sip of Lactose-free milk, and I'm pretty much done for these days. I've switched to rice milk when I need something resembling milk.

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