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high protein breakfast ideas?

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Hey guys-

I have a child who's gotten very picky lately. She is allergic to wheat, corn, almonds and cashews. She also needs a high protein breakfast in order to behave during the day. Cereal alone is a recipe for disaster. We usually eat one of the following for breakfast:


-bagel with cream cheese

-peanut butter toast with a tiny bit of honey or agave

-high protein choboni plain yogurt with blueberries and agave nectar

-eggs, toast and bacon (on a saturday)

-smoothie with frozen blueberries, peanut butter, flax seeds and milk


She's on a strike. This morning she wanted nothing but cereal for breakfast and I had to threaten to keep her home from the pool today to get her to eat peanut butter toast.


Does anyone have any ideas of what I could do to expand our breakfast choices? Maybe a high protein muffin recipe or something? I was thinking of trying to make her some gluten free egg mcmuffins. That's the only other thing I could think of... I looked at different cereals and can't find a high protein one with no corn or wheat.


If you have a nongluten free high protein muffin idea I might be able to adapt the recipe.


Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!



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Scrambled omelet with veggies or cheese? Gives a different flavor than just plain eggs and bacon. Breakfast burritos might work too if you can find/make tortillas she can eat. Ds likes to make his own breakfast roll-ups with ham and fruit, ham and cheese, eggs and cheese, etc.

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Lunch or supper for breakfast? Quesidillas? Last night's leftovers? My oldest dd prefers bean burritos over all other 'breakfast food'. She will also make quiche. Crusty bread or whole grain or rice crackers and cheese (or a cheestick) is something my younger one likes. My oldest son likes munster cheese and turkey roll -ups...no bread. We have chickens, so sometimes it's egg salad or ...deviled eggs. lol. Lots of egg things. If he has time in the morning, my 16 yr old will make a spicy frittata. ;) One of mine is esp not a breakfast food person and has been known to have Amy's quesdillias or Amy's tofu Paid Thai, or a tuna sandwich for breakfast. Soup, too. :lurk5: We have blood sugar issues here as well, so no way can we start the day with cereal. :tongue_smilie: I understand.

Edited by LibraryLover
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I just wanted to say that we make a recipe very similar to the High Protein Pancakes listed about and we adore it. Only pancakes we make these days. We add strawberries and blueberries to the top :)


Does she like turkey sausage? I sometimes make my own or use the Jimmy Dean ones.

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How about a bowl of uncereal? I toss dried fruit, pumpkin seeds, flaked coconut, sometimes diced apple or berries, and peanuts or walnuts into a bowl like cereal and pour milk on top. Sometimes I add chocolate chips.:D You really can use any combo you like, and could even use GF granola as a base and just make sure you add enough nuts and seeds to keep the protein level high. When we have to eat breakfast on the run (co-op day!) I have to pack my ds a high protein breakfast so that he won't crash mid-morning. He really loves a simple trail mix of dried cranberries and peanuts with a cheese stick on the side.

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One of dd's favorites is peanut butter oatmeal. I make a bowl of oatmeal but I cook it with water & powdered milk (can increase the powdered milk to desired amt. for added protein, but I wouldn't go higher than 2/3 c. per 1 c. water.), as well as roughly 1/8 c. peanut butter. I add vanilla, salt, molasses & sugar to taste. She loves it! Good luck!

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