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I have PR in hand, but what's so special again?


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Why, oh why does this have to happen to me? I got PR1 off the FS board (thanks, mama!) and was soooo excited. But I started flipping through it and watching the first DVD, and I just don't get what makes it so much better than SWR. The spelling lists still seem to be pretty random. The only difference I can really see is that it includes some little stories to be read and the notebook is already made up - it just has to be filled in, rather than created from scratch. The program doesn't teach syllabication, so there is a gap, after all, albeit a minor one. I did know that ahead of time, but I figured the rest of it would make up for it. Right now I'm just not seeing how it does. HELP! I do not want to sell this and go with AAS and something for grammar (although I'm really leaning towards that right now).

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I bought the PR1 and was also excited. However, I had the same feelings after getting it home. It didn't make any sense to me how it was set up. I guess it's not a mastery approach where you learn one rule/idea and get words that follow only that (like AAS). I ended up regretting the purchase and ended up with another program for phonics. I still wonder if I would have given it more time....would I change my mind and like it. Not sure and I didn't feel that late into first grade I could fool around any more trying to figure out how to help my son read. For now I'm holding onto it and might visit it again when my son is finished with our current program. Hope you can figure out if it works for you! Good luck!

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I'm no expert as we're working toward PR1 until I can afford it but I've had a peek. I do think at the first level the advantage to SWR would be that it's more "how to" for you and the rule tunes. The rule tunes are what I can't do myself but mostly I want to have what I need to go to level 2 and beyond. I like that level 2 and beyond includes all I need for language arts done well. I think I can cover the level 1 material on my own (without rule tunes/I can still cover it well) but Beers told me I needed the building codes and word lists to go onto level 2.

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For me what I really like about PR is over SWR is that I am not a person who can just "do" SWR. There was not enough direction for me. Every day I would just kind of try and put something together but I get overwhelmed with a curriculum that just has a lot of open ended activities and no real schedule to implement it. It seems a lot of people are like that. We want: day one- do this and this, day two- have your kids write this and this, day three- do this and test that. That makes me happy. I can not focus enough (can a 40 year old have alzimers?--I can't even spell it!) to come up with wonderful teaching of SWR so I dropped it. This PR was a real Godsend to me because it has (most) of the SWR teaching but it is put together for me. That is what is so great about it to me.

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Well, maybe the scheduling thing is part of what I was hoping for and didn't get. Could my set be missing some pages? I don't think it is, but the only schedule I have is for a few weeks here and there. I have a schedule for weeks 1-4, that just says which phonograms to teach each week. Then for weeks 5-13 all I have is spelling lists. Then there's another schedule for a couple more weeks, followed by several more weeks of nothing but spelling lists, with no schedule. Then a schedule for 2 weeks, broken down by days, then more spelling lists.


What I gathered by seeing that was that there is no schedule for the weeks during which spelling lists are dictated. So, okay, but...what am I supposed to do during those weeks? Maybe I need to spend more time with the DVDs to figure that out (quiet time to watch a DVD is only just now getting easier to come by with the baby), but if the DVDs don't lay it out for me, then there is essentially no schedule for the majority of the program, other than just a list of spelling words to be dictated on week X.


Fortunately, DD is learning to read with PP, so this shouldn't hold up her reading, but I need something for spelling and I'd hoped this would be it.

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It does teach syllables, just not extensively like AAS. Adding it, finger tapping and pounding is a breeze - simply introduce the skills, then continue daily doing it.


Keep watching the DVDs, the entire program will come together. year 1 is the least of the program b/c the focus is phonics to reading and spelling. The grammar, writing and lit in PR2 bring much more meat.


Look at your spelling lists. Do you see the little black lines before the 6th or so word? That tells you how to break the list down daily. It is with purpose that the lists are not "mastery." You will practice the rule tunes so often in PR1 that by the time you get to PR2, they'll be down and you're child will understand rules for a huge variety of rules, not just the ones that stuck ala mastery. Mastery did not work for my first 3 dc at all, and PR rules tunes have.


The daily lesson plans tell you what to teach, you have to use the DVDs to see how and find any special additions, like Rule Tunes, starting Building Codes (which you build upon regularly, not finish in one time). Both of these will reinforce all they're learning about phonics and spelling.


Give this some time. It is a masterpiece in the making. Once you understand the program and get to PR2, it grows into something amazingly effective, simple to use, and the results are outstanding. It also really aids in teaching writing and you'll be able to move across your curriculum with the skills acquired in PR.


Do you know about the social group?

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Guest aquiverfull

You definitely need to watch the DVDs. This whole program revolves around the teaching on the DVDs. It can't be done without them. This program doesn't have a teacher's manual where everything is written out for you. All of that information is taught to you through Mrs. Beers on the DvDs. That is the one thing I would change about this program. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy watching Mrs.Beers. She is a wonderful teacher, but I also like to read information in a teacher's manual, my mind can process it better that way. I have to watch the Dvds a few times to get what I need. It's worth it to me though, because this is an awesome program!! Although, I haven't finished Level 1 yet, I do own Level 2 and it is SOOO much more than Level 1. This program just keeps getting better and better.

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Okay, deep breaths for me then. I knew I needed to use the DVDs, but the first 45 minutes of the first one wasn't at all what I was looking for as far as instruction. Apparently I need to watch more. I guess patience really is a virtue. lol


I'm another one who would prefer it all in a TM. I just don't care for watching DVDs. For one thing, it's much easier for me to get the information I need by reading it - plus, if I forget something, it's easier for me to remember where it was in print than on a DVD. For another, I don't know why, but it's much easier for me to find time to read something than to watch a DVD. I guess because I can read a TM in bed, but I don't really want to keep DH up while I'm watching a DVD in bed. I also tend to read the TM as I'm doing a lesson, to make sure I'm not missing anything.


Thank you so much for the encouragement!

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Guest aquiverfull

I'm another one who would prefer it all in a TM. I just don't care for watching DVDs. For one thing, it's much easier for me to get the information I need by reading it - plus, if I forget something, it's easier for me to remember where it was in print than on a DVD. For another, I don't know why, but it's much easier for me to find time to read something than to watch a DVD. I guess because I can read a TM in bed, but I don't really want to keep DH up while I'm watching a DVD in bed. I also tend to read the TM as I'm doing a lesson, to make sure I'm not missing anything.


Thank you so much for the encouragement!


Yep, that's exactly how I feel about the DVDs vs a teacher's manual.

PR might not be what you want, especially since you were using SWR. If you weren't having problems teaching SWR, PR might be overkill on instruction for you. I chose PR because of the reviews I had read about SWR and the high teacher learning curve.


Anyway, I think you should give PR a chance before you decide to drop it. If you can find the time, just sit down and watch the DVDs and listen. You can re-watch them to take notes, etc. It should give you a good feel for the program and help you decide if it's the right one for you or not. And as I mentioned before PR 2 is a lot more substantial.

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I would also love instructions on paper; but you'll soon see you won't need the DVD's as much; especially after starting year 2 as you become familiar with the program. You'll fast forward and glean the pop up notes b/c you won't need it for spelling, etc. and it will take about 20min for all 3 sections of year 2 (spelling, grammar, literature). I think it took me a few lessons before all of a sudden, it clicked and I was off. Now, I'm in LA paradise :)

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Like others in this thread, I learn better from reading a TM than from watching a video. What good is a multisensory, works with all learning styles curriculum if it requires the teacher to learn in a way that isn't effective? I really don't understand why such a great curriculum has such a huge limitation.


Does anyone know if there are any plans for a "proper" TM in the future? I cannot justify the huge price of this curriculum when it would drive me nuts to have to watch the videos in order to do a lesson.

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I was using SWR, but DD hated it. Those notebooks with those little, tiny lines weren't for her! She could not write that small. It would be okay if she were less of a perfectionist, but seeing herself get all out of the lines (because they were way too small for her) drove her batty. It made her feel like she couldn't write well.


The only lesson plans for SWR are in the back of the book, and they're not extremely detailed. Plus it only goes so far, then assumes you will get it by then and be able to carry on without further assistance. The little bit of info included in those lesson plans is no more than what's in the PR foreman's guide, just all in one place for SWR. At least that's what I remember - I haven't pulled SWR out in a while. I do like the rule cards with SWR, but I've already got them, so it's no problem to use them with PR. Strangely, though, they don't exactly match. For instance, PR says English words don't end in i,u,v,a. SWR says it's i,u,v,j. I think leaving off j is really weird, because English words absolutely don't end in j, even though lots of words end in that sound. It seems like kids ought to know that. I already taught DD that anyway.

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I totally understand where everyone is coming from on the DVD's, but truly, the more that I've watched, taught and used the program, that really hasn't been a limitation any more. In fact, after having watched nearly all of PR 1 and now some of PR 2, I don't really see how she could put the same breadth of information into a workable TM and have it come across the same way.


We are buzzing along again (after a new babe and adjusting to that) in PR 1. We will finish in about 5-6 weeks or so and move on to PR 2. I was watching the DVD's for PR 2 and I can not wait to get started!! The basics that are taught in PR 1 are built upon and expanded in PR 2 into such an amazing, solid and thorough program.


We have found our rhythm in the program and I haven't missed a daily schedule at all, which is not what I expected when I first started the program, either, so take heart mama and just work the program!!

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I totally understand where everyone is coming from on the DVD's, but truly, the more that I've watched, taught and used the program, that really hasn't been a limitation any more. In fact, after having watched nearly all of PR 1 and now some of PR 2, I don't really see how she could put the same breadth of information into a workable TM and have it come across the same way.


We are buzzing along again (after a new babe and adjusting to that) in PR 1. We will finish in about 5-6 weeks or so and move on to PR 2. I was watching the DVD's for PR 2 and I can not wait to get started!! The basics that are taught in PR 1 are built upon and expanded in PR 2 into such an amazing, solid and thorough program.


We have found our rhythm in the program and I haven't missed a daily schedule at all, which is not what I expected when I first started the program, either, so take heart mama and just work the program!!

:party:I am so glad you're lovin' it :)

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Most of the time I have time to watch the videos. If I am in a bit of a hurry, I hit the fast button and stop when she talks for a longer time or jumps to a building code. If I just have NO time to watch I do the lesson and if I have questions I pop the dvd in while we are teaching and fast forward to that particular word and see what she said about it. We did wind up having to fill in some building codes I missed but it was so totally fine. The kids get it.:lol:

As far as the syllabification (whew!) I just have to say (and I hope I can do my thoughts justice) I have used this and AAS. I really like AAS but I wanted a complete LA program. PR uses a different method to teach spelling than AAS. I personally think PR's method of marking is more intuitive than AAS's syllabification. It was hard for ME to remember the rules for syllables (open closed etc.) in AAS. That method is just not necessary in PR. It would be similar to feeling like you had to take EVERY avenue to remember math facts. i.e "OK, I like that we are learning math facts with this computer drill but I need to also use songs, flash cards and written drills" Maybe not all of those methods of teaching math facts are necessary. If you are learning them using one method of teaching them then just use the one. (Some of us have had to use all of them but that is besides the point!) AAS uses syllabification to learn to spell, PR uses the markings and rules. PR should not need to do both to decode a word, you have to do one or the other. That would be like telling your child, "OK, here is 3x3. Sing the song, get on the computer and do the computer drill, write the drill, look at the flashcard!!!! What is the answer?!" See, you don't need to do all of that to get the answer--just pick one. BTW, PR does teach how to divide syllables and many rules about dividing syllables. "Always divide syllables betweeeen doubled consanants, unless the doubled consanant ................" Sorry to put that in your head! There are other rules about them too.

I hope my syllabification thing above made sense. It occurred to me the other day.:tongue_smilie:

PR is great. I am so thankful. I also would RATHER just look at a book but I don't think that would stick with me. I understand the concepts so much better watching her do it. How would you do the songs in a book? It takes time to learn but the videos are really so much better IMO. I could totally see myself whipping through the book and not remembering very much of the information. The videos make us slow down and take in all that is taught. Just thinking about that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. :grouphug:

We just finished PR 1 and I can't wait to start on 2!

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I have a question and I hope its not too far off topic to disrupt the thread but here goes.


First, I love what I've seen so far in the program (currently week 4 of PR1 LOL). I thought I'd have a problem with the DVDs also but I love them. She shows me EXACTLY how to teach. I love it , my son loves it. I think its become his favorite time of the day now. He calls Mrs. Beers my teacher for being his teacher hehe


I've been watching through all the future weeks and I had a concern about something.


During one of the earlier weeks (I can't remember exactly which) she talks about Building Code and its the one for adding -s to a word. Like, chip -s and dig -s etc. She has them writing this long list of words to pluralize and then goes through and adds the -s to them all and then they're to write all of those words pluralized.


That seems like a lot of writing at one sitting. Am I wrong? My son is young and he writes VERY well for his age (5) and I'm sure he'd do it and it wouldn't be that big of a deal but when most of the other days have them writing about 5 words per day it seems odd that this day (where they're doing TWO building codes like this in one day) there is so much writing.


I just want to make sure I am understanding it right before I get there.

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I have a question and I hope its not too far off topic to disrupt the thread but here goes.


First, I love what I've seen so far in the program (currently week 4 of PR1 LOL). I thought I'd have a problem with the DVDs also but I love them. She shows me EXACTLY how to teach. I love it , my son loves it. I think its become his favorite time of the day now. He calls Mrs. Beers my teacher for being his teacher hehe


I've been watching through all the future weeks and I had a concern about something.


During one of the earlier weeks (I can't remember exactly which) she talks about Building Code and its the one for adding -s to a word. Like, chip -s and dig -s etc. She has them writing this long list of words to pluralize and then goes through and adds the -s to them all and then they're to write all of those words pluralized.


That seems like a lot of writing at one sitting. Am I wrong? My son is young and he writes VERY well for his age (5) and I'm sure he'd do it and it wouldn't be that big of a deal but when most of the other days have them writing about 5 words per day it seems odd that this day (where they're doing TWO building codes like this in one day) there is so much writing.


I just want to make sure I am understanding it right before I get there.


It doesn't happen very often that you'll have more than one building code. Most of the time it will be a BC that you need to add a couple of words to, not fill out completely. Like the building code for the different spellings of /er/...it is continuously filled out over several weeks. In the case of the add -s building code, if you need to you can split it over a couple of days. We have done that a couple of times if we needed to. My K'er will be using it this fall and I won't expect him to be able to do all of that writing in one sitting either!

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I have a question and I hope its not too far off topic to disrupt the thread but here goes.


First, I love what I've seen so far in the program (currently week 4 of PR1 LOL). I thought I'd have a problem with the DVDs also but I love them. She shows me EXACTLY how to teach. I love it , my son loves it. I think its become his favorite time of the day now. He calls Mrs. Beers my teacher for being his teacher hehe


I've been watching through all the future weeks and I had a concern about something.


During one of the earlier weeks (I can't remember exactly which) she talks about Building Code and its the one for adding -s to a word. Like, chip -s and dig -s etc. She has them writing this long list of words to pluralize and then goes through and adds the -s to them all and then they're to write all of those words pluralized.


That seems like a lot of writing at one sitting. Am I wrong? My son is young and he writes VERY well for his age (5) and I'm sure he'd do it and it wouldn't be that big of a deal but when most of the other days have them writing about 5 words per day it seems odd that this day (where they're doing TWO building codes like this in one day) there is so much writing.


I just want to make sure I am understanding it right before I get there.

Pipin' in to agree :) Most BCs are built over time, until you reach higher levels where more writing makes sense. Remember the program is intended for a 6 yo, 1st grader (someone who is more likely comfortable with writing more). You really can easily split up the days writing ( a little in the morning, the rest in the afternoon) or you can do some on Monday and the rest on Tues. The program is an excellent guide, but remember, you direct your day :)


As an example, I'm all over the board with my rising 5th grader, yet to get us in the same spot across the board, we'll be spending time in Aug. and Sept. hammering out literature and grammar b/c we won't have much to do in the other area. Do what's best for your little guy :)

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