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Over 40 and TTC: Who's done it and how long did it take?

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I'm ancient--41!:D


And I want another baby! Dd is almost a yr. and still nursing like crazy.


So I don't have a cycle yet, but I still plan to start ttc this Sept.


I'm a little worried about how long this might take w/ no cycle on the horizon to measure by, and being of AMA.


Last time it took just 2 cycles, but I was a youngin'--39--and had clockwork cycles.:001_smile:


So who has any success stories to share? How long did it take if you were actually trying to conceive, as opposed to an "oops!".


Did you resort to an ovulation detection kit? Did those work for you?


Thanks for any feedback!

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Start TTC (lol I had to look that one up - the Toronto Transit Company) now. What difference does it make? Not that I am an expert on your life but i think the sooner the better. Mine are 2 years apart. My first was done nursing at a year. I was 40 with my last. What does your doctor say?

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I don't have exact numbers for you, but know that when I was younger (babies conceived when I was between 27 and 33 or 34 years old) I conceived either the month we started trying OR without even trying. Starting with #5 it took 4 months, with #6 I think it was like that as well and so on. Now I'm 43 and we don't use b/c -- it's been 7 months and I'm still not pregnant. We're not actually trying, just don't use b/c for spiritual reasons. So it definitely is different now.

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Thanks for sharing your experiences!


I'm waiting till Sept.--which is longer than I had originally planned--bec. I'm hoping to rehab my knee. I aggravated an old injury in the spring and have been receiving treatment, etc, and waiting to find out if I would need surgery.


Come Sept. I'm going to call the knee "good enough" whether I'm walking w/ a limp or not, as I can't wait any longer ttc given my age.


Anyone else get on the babymaking transit over 40?;)

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  • 3 months later...

My cycle came back when DC4 was 17 months, and I was hoping since then to conceive. After a year of no luck (DH was travelling at a few opportune times but there were other times when things might have worked) I went to a fertility specialist (I had just turned 42 and so had no time to lose) went on a cycle of Clomid which was terrible (painful and weird). no go that month the next we had great news. Joe turned 1 last week. Happiness!


PS. I would wean. I conceived twice while nursing but I was younger then. At our age we need all the help we can get. Good luck!

Edited by yellowperch
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