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Our 4-yr history cycle is off schedule, but I want to do MFW high school

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I am beginning to plug courses into a high school 9th-12th grade sequence since my oldest is moving into 7th grade this year.


We are using BP Ancients this year and will continue with medieval history next year. I know it makes sense to continue with the history cycle, but when I read about MFW high school, I wondered how bad it would be to do that for high school.


So, that means my dd would study:


7th: Ancients

8th: Medieval

9th: MFW Ancient History and Lit

10th: MFW World History and Lit

11th: MFW US History to 1877 with Government, Am. Lit, Biblical Wld View

12th: MFW US History 1877-Present with Econ, Geography, and Lit


How bad would this be to have ancients and medieval back to back? Should I just forget about using MFW and continue with Early Modern history/ early US history?



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I think that schedule looks fine, though I understand why it wouldn't be ideal. The 10th gr year of MFW isn't just midieval - it's all of world history from Rome on. Your child would have ancients down pretty well, but that's just fine. I also like the looks of MFW for high school and if we're still homeschooling then, that's our plan.

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So, that means my dd would study:


7th: Ancients

8th: Medieval

9th: MFW Ancient History and Lit

10th: MFW World History and Lit

11th: MFW US History to 1877 with Government, Am. Lit, Biblical Wld View

12th: MFW US History 1877-Present with Econ, Geography, and Lit






That is exactly what my current plan is! It's not ideal but I think that's what we will be doing. My son is going into 6th grade next year so we are going to cover American History. Atleast, that way, if we end up doing the above, he will have had some American History in middle school. I may change my mind, but it looks like this is what we will be doing.

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Thanks, ladies!


Could anyone suggest anything to help the ancient/medieval repetition to NOT be so boring?


I mean... if we do end up doing ancients and medieval back to back is there a way to spice it up or to do something so that the student does not dread doing these so close together?


Or, is there anything I should definitely not do or avoid ? I'm just trying to make the ancient/medieval years as pleasant as possible especially considering my dd might do these years back to back.

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The high school programs are very different in content even though they are studying the same time period. It will not be redundant. My son will be doing Creation to Greeks in 8th and High School Ancients in 9th. I plan to have him focus more on science and other subjects of interest and not have a heavy history focus during 8th grade.

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Ok... let me muddy the water just a little bit. I've been asking about MFW high school for my oldest, but if I started her in Ancients in 9th grade, her younger brothers would continue in the history cycle and do the next rotation: Early Modern.


Now, if they do this, then by the time they get to high school, even they can use MFW high school in 9th grade and re-use the books from my oldest child. Each child would be on the 4-year plan just not at the same time and would end up in 9th grade doing ancients.


BUT, if we do this, I'll have the oldest on a different history cycle than her younger brothers.


Keep them all together and do Early Modern in 9th for oldest? ..... or

Separate the oldest to do Ancients with MFW?

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BUT, if we do this, I'll have the oldest on a different history cycle than her younger brothers.


Separate the oldest to do Ancients with MFW?


I am new to MFW this year, but MFW differs from WTM once you reach high school.


MFW High school is written to be done pretty independently by the student; therefore, there is no need to coordinate your high schoolers to your other students. Any 9th grade student will study AHL. Any 10th grader will study World History, etc.


Once you see the Manual and the related Answer Keys, it will make more sense how easy it will be to keep track of this independent student whose off doing his-or-her own thing.

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Frankly, I would do something different for 7th and 8th grade. I'd either do all of world history over two years or perhaps American history in 7th and geography in 8th.


:iagree: I would have a hard time doing Ancients so close together.


You could do SL Core 5, then SL Core 100




SL cores 6 & 7




SL Core Alt7 then MFW ECC (or SL Core 5)


or switch those last two




SL Core Alt7 then Core 100


I realize that most of those options put you using Sonlight for two years, and then switching over to MFW. Of course, there are probably other options I'm not aware of - I just am familiar with SL.

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Yes..... I reluctantly agree. Hind sight, you know. I feel like I need to stick with the decision I made since I bought BP Ancients, lots of books, and reference materials. I am financially invested in ancients now. When I was trying to figure all this out, I just wasn't sure what to do.


My current plan is to make Ancients and Medieval years "fun" . These two periods of history are somewhat obscure to my kids. We've just finished two years of US history with SL Cores 3 and 4. These history years were "real" to us.


If I can manage to end these years with my kids enjoying the content, maybe then my oldest won't mind so much. I'm going to do the Biblioplan Cool History pages, read-alouds, a Kay Arthur Bible study, Drive Through History Greece and Rome, and Diana Waring Ancient Civilization CDs. I'm going to begin to incorporate SWB's writing for logic stage: narrative summaries and outlines to begin with since we haven't done this before.... hopefully getting to re-writing from outlines by the end of the year.


If I had it to do over again, I think I would try something different, but since I have 3 kids, and I (think) I want them all to do MFW high school, one of them would end up repeating part of the history cycle since I've kept them together from the beginning. I didn't know about the 4-year history cycle when we started homeschooling, so we've never actually been on schedule.:001_huh:


This is not a perfect situation, I know. But, MFW looks like something we would both enjoy together. Unlike other history curriculua I've looked at, MFW has a Biblical worldview theme which gives the student a real reason to learn. It's planned, which is something I really need.


I'm still very open to change if something else would fit better. It is a huge relief to just express what I'm thinking and have others share from their experiences!

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I just responded to your thread over on the K-8 board, but in reading this thread, I do think you're worrying about it too much. ;) We've done all of MFW elementary, as well as AHL for 9th grade. Really, there IS enough difference between what an elementary student does and what MFW high school does. Thus, your dd won't exactly be doing ancients and medieval "back to back". The Middle Ages directly follow Ancient Rome, BUT, then following the Middle Ages you've go the whole Renaissance and Reformation (which also includes some early, early American, since they were happening at the same time), so when your dd does the Medieval period in 8th grade, then starts over with Creation in 9th, it'll be TOTALLY different. (Not sure if your other program gets into the Ren. and Reformation at all... MFW RTR elementary does.)


Then she'll spend an entire year on Ancient Egypt and Greece *before* doing Ancient Rome again at the beginning of 10th. (And Ancient Rome is before the Medieval period.) Mixed in with Ancient Egypt and Greece are a slew of other books and resources teaching/reinforcing biblical worldview, too. AHL ends with Alexander the Great (secular history during the "silent period" of the Bible) and Esther (the last "big event" of the Bible CHRONOLOGICALLY... remember that the books of the Bible aren't in chronological order, so she'll read the Bible in chronological order, too).


Anyway, perhaps I've just confused you more. :tongue_smilie: I really just want to assure you that it'll be okay. :)

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I'll go ahead and copy my response to your other thread here, so that others can read it, too....


You asked: "Should I separate my oldest so she can do MFW high school?"


I said:


I was very much on the fence about this, too. Finally bit the bullet and separated them because oldest *wanted* to be doing high school. She has mentioned a couple of times since then that she misses us all doing history together "the way we used to", but when I've offered to let her drop what she's doing and join us (I would beef it up for her), she's declined. I think she likes having her own space and time to read, think, and write w/o interruptions. She plays and cooks and does other things with her younger sisters ALL the time, so doing school on her own at this point really gives her some "space".


I work with the youngers in a different part of the house while she's doing school. She's not isolated all day, however, because the 11yo goes down to join her at the table to do her independent work once we're done with our "together" stuff up here.


The hardest part was ME adjusting to the change! I missed having my girl with the group, and I had to adjust to the different dynamics of my 11yo being the "oldest" in the elementary stage. I've also had to learn how to give her (the 11yo) some lead in being the "helper", whereas before it was always the oldest. So with the oldest being more independent now, 11yo is learning some new responsibilities. It's a good thing. ;)


We still have Bible time together at breakfast before everyone goes off to do other subjects/get involved elsewhere. Then we have another family read-aloud or Bible time after supper, with Dad participating.

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Yes..... I reluctantly agree. Hind sight, you know. I feel like I need to stick with the decision I made since I bought BP Ancients, lots of books, and reference materials. I am financially invested in ancients now. When I was trying to figure all this out, I just wasn't sure what to do.



Ah - Well if money has already been spent, then why worry about whatever you're gonna do two years from now? After all, you don't even know what's gonna be available in two years.


I remember 3 or 4 years ago lamenting that I just couldn't choose between TOG or SL for high school - and how I wished they could "get married" and have a classical curriculum that was actually high-school level with daily lesson plans - LOL! Now I feel like I've found a pretty good compromise between those two curriculum in MFW - but at the time I was worrying about it, and YES I was "worried" about it, MFW only went up to 8th grade. I regret that I wasted so much time worrying about something that was so not worth the worry. Really, my best advice is to be determined to not let worries about high school curriculum choices steal your joy in the next two years. Have fun instead!!!

Edited by Rhondabee
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Ah - Well if money has already been spent, then why worry about whatever you're gonna do two years from now? After all, you don't even know what's gonna be available in two years.


I remember 3 or 4 years ago lamenting that I just couldn't choose between TOG or SL for high school - and how I wished they could "get married" and have a classical curriculum that was actually high-school level with daily lesson plans - LOL! Now I feel like I've found a pretty good compromise between those two curriculum in MFW - but at the time I was worrying about it, and YES I was "worried" about it, MFW only went up to 8th grade. I regret that I wasted so much time worrying about something that was so not worth the worry. Really, my best advice is to be determined to not let worries about high school curriculum choices steal your joy in the next two years. Have fun instead!!!


Wonderful, Rhonda! I have a working plan for high school now which was the only thing I was hoping to do at this point, and I have scheduled in MFW to use in 2 years. I am finished with long-term planning. I really hope to do MFW, but I'm with you. We'll see what happens in 2 years. This will even give me time to find ancients used.


With high school creeping up, I didn't want the summer to end without having an idea about the direction we need to go in the upcoming years. I'm a little freaked about teaching high school, yet so many have done it. I'm trying to plan early so I won't MESS UP! :001_smile:

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:iagree: I would have a hard time doing Ancients so close together.


You could do SL Core 5, then SL Core 100




SL cores 6 & 7




SL Core Alt7 then MFW ECC (or SL Core 5)


or switch those last two




SL Core Alt7 then Core 100


I realize that most of those options put you using Sonlight for two years, and then switching over to MFW. Of course, there are probably other options I'm not aware of - I just am familiar with SL.



I also agree! I'm having my 7th grader do MFW ECC this year, then either MFW 1850 to Modern or SL 7 or SL Alt 7. She'll then do MFW AHL for 9th grade.

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You mentioned making these years fun, so I thought I would let you know something we did. My best friend and I both used MOH Vol. 1 the same year which is Ancients. We had monthly get togethers for fun days. We watched movies, had crafts, food, games, etc. We just picked a prominent time for civilizations and had special days for each civilization. For example, when we did Ancient Greece, we had our own Olympics, the older girls wrote about The Iliad and performed it, and we even went to a Greek restaurant one day. It was lots of fun to do it with friends, but it would be fun as a family, too.


I don't think a high schooler will have as much time for stuff like this, so it might be your best shot at it.

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You mentioned making these years fun, so I thought I would let you know something we did. My best friend and I both used MOH Vol. 1 the same year which is Ancients. We had monthly get togethers for fun days. We watched movies, had crafts, food, games, etc. We just picked a prominent time for civilizations and had special days for each civilization. For example, when we did Ancient Greece, we had our own Olympics, the older girls wrote about The Iliad and performed it, and we even went to a Greek restaurant one day. It was lots of fun to do it with friends, but it would be fun as a family, too.


I don't think a high schooler will have as much time for stuff like this, so it might be your best shot at it.



These are such wonderful ideas! You make my heart somber to mention this might me my best shot at making this time "fun". Where has the time gone? I'm a softie at heart.


You know, I've always struggled with how to fit everything in... academics AND fun. As my three dc get older, I struggle even more.


My thoughts of "fun" included the Cool History pages from BiblioPlan and the CDs from Diana Waring. Our daily schedule has us doing school work from 8 am- 3:30 p.m. M-Th and till lunch time on Fridays.


I think I'm pretty comfortable with the schedule this year. I'm always amazed at how different a schedule can look just based on the personality of the one making it.... and the personalities of the children.


Thanks so much for your comment! I am really going to try to enjoy this school year more than the others and try to laugh with my children more. It is such a blessing to have them home with me. I dearly love home schooling! It is my prayer that I can improve each year and that my kids will continue to learn in an enjoyable way.


The clock is soooo ticking! I remember when my oldest was just in 1st grade! She's in 7th now? High school in only 3 years away? That just can't be!


Aren't we all glad that the Lord is in control? These are His precious children. I have great peace as I consider that He knows every hair on their heads, and that He has a plan for their lives! Amen!

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are going to use MFW HS here as well. This is what I have done the past few years...


7th grade - Core 7

8th Grade - Core 100


Then she will move into MFW HS


My younger daughter will do the following:

6th grade - core 4

7th grade - Core 5

8th Grade Core 100

9th grade MFW HS


IF... I had it to do over again, which I do :lol: (I have 3 littles moving up) I would have just started and stuck with MFW all the way through. I have used MFW ECC and Rome to the Reformation. I switched because it felt way too light. However, when I asked my older kiddo's about their favorite years of homeschooling... well, it was those two years of MFW. They said it did not feel rushed or crammed and they learned so much! I guess we really did. We really learned so much in the RTR year!!


Probably more info that you asked for... hope that helps.

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We are going to use MFW HS here as well. This is what I have done the past few years...


7th grade - Core 7

8th Grade - Core 100


Then she will move into MFW HS


My younger daughter will do the following:

6th grade - core 4

7th grade - Core 5

8th Grade Core 100

9th grade MFW HS


IF... I had it to do over again, which I do :lol: (I have 3 littles moving up) I would have just started and stuck with MFW all the way through. I have used MFW ECC and Rome to the Reformation. I switched because it felt way too light. However, when I asked my older kiddo's about their favorite years of homeschooling... well, it was those two years of MFW. They said it did not feel rushed or crammed and they learned so much! I guess we really did. We really learned so much in the RTR year!!


Probably more info that you asked for... hope that helps.



Thanks! You know, there isn't a perfect curriculum as we all know, but I hear so many compliments about MFW! I wish I had known about it from the beginning as well.

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