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Struggling reader


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My 8yo ds is reading at about 2nd grade level, but we seem to be stuck. His big issues are confidence and decoding. If he doesn't know a word he gets so frustrated and says I can't read this. Over one word! He many times does not even try to decode it. He knows his sounds and I have backed up and started using Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading.

For spelling, I was wondering if I should use Sequential Spelling or All About Spelling to help him learn to decode.

Thanks so much!

Lora in NC

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You can go to http://www.bartonreading.com to the free student screening to make sure your son has the pre-reading skills he needs to be successful with phonics. If those skills are not in place, there are things you can do to work on them. There are recommendations on the Barton site, and you can also post the results here for more feedback.


Assuming he passes the screening, I would choose AAS.

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I'm in a similar situation so we're reviewing in OPG (about 1/2 way) and I will start AAS in August when school 'officially' begins. I'm hoping the double hit of everything will help him retain it this time. I also took someone else's advice (sorry I can't remember who!) to let him read below grade level to boost fluency and confidence. So, I looked though our shelves at home and the library shelves for first grade reading levels and very simple second grade ones. He's been doing better with his fluency already, which in turn leads to confidence. Good luck!

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I have a ds that needed some confidence and some help decoding words. I found this at the 1/2 price bookstore for less than 1/2 price.




It has been very easy to use. He plays the computer games for that level and then he reads the card or cards that have stories in them. Once is he done with 10 lessons then he moved onto the chapter book for the lesson. The reading the first chapter book gave him a big confidence boost. Each level is slightly harder.


He finds the stories interesting, he likes the chapter books (like Magic Tree House type storyline), and he really likes taking control and doing the games by himself on the computer.

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I also took someone else's advice (sorry I can't remember who!) to let him read below grade level to boost fluency and confidence. So, I looked though our shelves at home and the library shelves for first grade reading levels and very simple second grade ones. He's been doing better with his fluency already, which in turn leads to confidence. Good luck!


I totally agree with this. It worked wonders with my daughter. This saved her(and my) sanity. She took out her older bob books and read about 10 of them out loud instead of crying over a chapter in her normal reader. Now she reads from any book we pic out. She just needed a boost.





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