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Additional resources for K12 Human Odyssey


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I've been creating a list of resources to use alongside K12's Human Odyssey Vol 1: Prehistory Through the Middle Ages which I'd like to share :001_smile: By doing so, I hope that others will list their favorite resources too ;)


Some brief points:

--I've only gone through the "ancient history" sections first, parts 1-3 of 4. I will get to part 4 once I've got the rest of our subjects planned.

--I will be using mostly/all secular materials.

--The books I've listed are available from my library system or we already own them. I'm sure there are a gazillion fabulous books out there but if I can't get my hands on them easily, they aren't on my lists :D

--I will be adding on to this post in sections, so check back later.

--I don't know how to easily do nifty links to show you the books on Amazon (like some great posters do) but I will give you the ISBNs.


The main resource I will be using is The World in Ancient Times series from Oxford Press (oops no ISBNs sorry). I've matched up the chapters from HO with the various Ancient Times books:


Part 1

Chapter 1: How Civilized!

Chapter 2: Unearthing Sumer

Chapter 3: Working...in Sumer-----------The Ancient Near Eastern World Ch 2, 3, 12-15

Chapter 4: Honoring the Gods------------The Ancient Near Eastern World Ch 5, 6, 9

Chapter 5: Passing it on-----------------The Ancient Near Eastern World Ch 4, 7

Chapter 6: The Sun Sets on Sumer-------The Ancient Near Eastern World Ch 8 (Sargon), 10 (Hammurabi), 11 (court system)

Chapter 7: Neb's Babylon----------------The Ancient Near Eastern World Ch 22

Chapter 8: Egypt------------------------The Ancient Egyptian World all

Chapter 9: Three Pharaohs--------------The Ancient Egyptian World all

Chapter 10: India and China-------------The Ancient South Asian World Ch 1-10 (Indus), The Ancient Chinese World Ch 1-5 (through Shong)


Part 2

Chapter 1: Confucius--------------------The Ancient Chinese World Ch 6, 7, 10

Chapter 2: The Confucian Legacy--------The Ancient Chinese World Ch 13-20 (up to Silk Road)

Chapter 3: The Birth of Hinduism---------The Ancient South Asian World Ch 13

Chapter 4: The Life of the Buddha--------The Ancient South Asian World Ch 14, The Ancient Chinese World Ch 23

Chapter 5: The Buddha's Teaching...-----same as Chapter 4

Chapter 6: A Chosen People--------------The Ancient Near Eastern World Ch 18, 19

Chapter 7: The People of the Law--------The Ancient Near Eastern World Ch 20

Chapter 8: The Greeks and nature--------The Ancient Greek World Ch 1-4

Chapter 9: The Greek Celebration of Man--The Ancient Greek World Ch 5, 7 (city-states), 18 (Olympics), 19 (art)


Part 3

Chapter 1: Two Greek City-States--------The Ancient Greek World Ch 8, 12

Chapter 2: Defending Greece-------------The Ancient Greek World Ch 13, 15

Chapter 3: The Age of Pericles-----------The Ancient Greek World Ch 14, 20

Chapter 4: A Fall, A Rise...---------------The Ancient Greek World Ch 16, 21-26

Chapter 5: The Roman Republic-----------The Ancient Roman World Ch 1-5

Chapter 6: Rome Rising...-----------------The Ancient Roman World Ch 5, 6

Chapter 7: Days of Empire----------------The Ancient Roman World Ch10, 11, 13, 17-20

Chapter 8: Judea and the Rise of...-------The Ancient Roman World Ch 23

Chapter 9: Spread of Christianity---------The Ancient Roman World Ch 24

Chapter 10: Rome on the Wane-----------The Ancient Roman World Ch 14, 25, 26





The Golden Bull Marjorie Cowley, 206p, 2008 (9781580891813)

Gilgamesh the Hero Geraldine McCaughrean, 95p, 2003 (0802852629)



National Geographic Investigates Ancient Iraq: archeology unlocks the secrets of Iraq's past Beth Gruber, 64p, 2007 (0792253833)

Ancient Near East Learning Through History magazine issue

Sumer and its City-States Calliope magazine issue

Assyrians Calliope magazine issue


Ancient Egypt:


Egyptian Diary: the Journal of Nakht Richard Platt, 2005 (0763627569)

Mara, Daughter of the Nile Eloise Jarvis McGraw, 279p (0140319298)

The Golden Goblet Eloise Jarvis McGraw

Rise of the Golden Cobra Henry Aubin, 255p (1554510600)

Cleopatra VII, Daughter of the Nile (Royal Diaries) Kristiana Gregory, 221p, 1999 (0590819755)

The Egypt Game Zilpha Keatley Snyder



Great Egypt Projects You Can Build Yourself Carmella Van Vleet, 122p, 2006 (0977129454)

Pyramid David Macaulay (0395214076)

The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone James Cross Giblin, 1990 (0690047975)

A Visitor's Guide to Ancient Egypt (Usborne Time Tours) Lesley Sims

National Geographic Investigates Ancient Egypt Jill Rubalcaba, 64p, 2007 (0792278577)

Ancient Egypt Learning Through History magazine issue

Tomb Builders Calliope magazine issue

The Pyramids and Egypt's Old Kingdom Calliope magazine issue

Alexandria under the Ptolemies Calliope magazine issue

Taharqo, Ruler of Nubia and Egypt Calliope magazine issue

Cleopatra Calliope magazine issue


Ancient India:


National Geographic Investigates Ancient India Anita Dalal, 64p, 2007 (1426300700)


Ancient China:


Between the Dragon and the Eagle Mical Schneider, 151p, 1997 (0876146493)



Great Ancient China Projects You Can Build Yourself Lance Kramer

Ancient China Learning Through History magazine issue

Confucius and Confucianism Calliope magazine issue

The Silk Road Calliope magazine issue

Edited by Luckymama
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WOW you've been busy! I enjoyed reading The Ancient Near Eastern World. Thank you for aligning the chapters. :001_smile: You've hit on most of my other supplements such as the Learning Through History Magazine.


I have a book, I"m not at home so I can't look it up...titled something like "A Tale from Ancient Sumer." It's supposed to be the oldest known written story. Here it is. http://www.amazon.com/City-Rainbows-Tale-Ancient-Sumer/dp/0924171707/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1279201164&sr=8-1

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Here are the things I've gotten set up so far (need to coordinate with the above, thanks!). If last year is an indication, we won't use everything, and I am not sure if some of this comes from others' previous posts (if so, thanks!). I'll be using the Kingfisher history encyclopedia and Mythology of the World as well. This is a preliminary list, I need to do a lot more work on it.


HO unit 2

Step into the Stone Age

DK Early Humans

Discovery Channel’s Ultimate Guide: Iceman http://dsc.discovery.com/convergence/iceman/iceman.html

Virtual tour of cave paintings http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/cavepaintings/cavepaintings.htm

Cave of chauvet-pont-d’arc http://www.culture.fr/culture/arcnat/chauvet/en/index.html

Lascaux http://www.culture.fr/culture/arcnat/lascaux/en

Cave paintings of india http://www.kamat.com/kalranga/rockpain

Aboriginal cave paintings in Australia http://www.eniar.org/news/painting.html


Unit 3



Ludmilla Zeman Epic of Gilgamesh trilogy

A concept album of the Epic of Gilgamesh by Tony Garone (great!) http://www.garone.net/tony/gilgamesh.html

You be the judge on Hammurabi’s code http://www.phillipmartin.info/hammurabi/hammurabi_situation_index.htm

24 exciting plays for world history classes


7 wonders of the ancient world http://ce.eng.usf.edu/pharos/wonders


play Ur: Royal Game of Sumer (we have a copy)


Unit 4

Ancient Egypt (Usborne)

Living History: Pyramids of Ancient Egypt

David Macauley Pyramid

Pyramid challenge http://www.bbc.co.uk/ancient/egyptians/pyramid_builder_game.shtml

Evolution of the alphabet http://www.cedarland.org/alpha.html

Phoenician script http://www.jaars.org/museum/alphabet/scripts/phoen.htm

Read Mara Daughter of the Nile, The Golden Goblet, Green's Tales of Ancient Egypt

Daily life in ancient Egypt http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/prehistory/egypt/dailylife/dailylife.html

Opening of tut’s tomb http://www.nationalgeographic.com/egypt

Nova birth of the Himalayas http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/everest/earth/birth/html

Complete guide to the Indus civilization http://pubweb.cc.u-tokai.ac.jp/indus/english/index.html


Unit 6

Buddhist chanting http://www.buddhanet.net/audio-chant.htm


Unit 7

DK Illustrated Children's Bible

Holy Land Treasure Chest

Eyewitness: Bible Lands


Unit 7

Drawing History: Ancient Greece

Magnifications: An Ancient Greek Temple

The Children's Homer

The Children's Herodotus

The Golden Fleece and Heroes who lived before Achilles

Ancient Greece Treasure Chest


Unit 8

Archimedes and the Door of Science


Unit 9

a kit called Pandora's Box

Socrates and the Three Little Pigs

Wise Guy (book on Socrates)


Unit 10

Drawing History: Ancient Rome

Gods and Goddesses in the Everyday Life of Ancient Romans

Ancient Rome sourcebook (World Teacher's Press)

Rome in Cross-Section

Lives of Famous Romans

Heroes and Warriors: Boudicea Queen of the Celts

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What a wonderful list of resources! One thing to be aware of is that both K12 and The World in Ancient Times are extensive resources on their own. Also, there are so many fabulous projects and activities to choose from that if you are not careful, history will quickly take more time than your other subjects put together. Unless you are extremely familiar with all of the content in your major spines, you'll have redundancy. The kids might be okay with the information the first two times, but by the third time, you'll lose them. Be flexible and know when enough is enough. You have put so much effort into your planning; I am sure it will be a fantastic year.


Lisa ~ who had resources for ancient history coming out of her ears and used a third of them:D

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What a wonderful list of resources! One thing to be aware of is that both K12 and The World in Ancient Times are extensive resources on their own. Also, there are so many fabulous projects and activities to choose from that if you are not careful, history will quickly take more time than your other subjects put together. Unless you are extremely familiar with all of the content in your major spines, you'll have redundancy. The kids might be okay with the information the first two times, but by the third time, you'll lose them. Be flexible and know when enough is enough. You have put so much effort into your planning; I am sure it will be a fantastic year.


Lisa ~ who had resources for ancient history coming out of her ears and used a third of them:D


That's what happened for us last year. I basically listed all the options I had for each lesson in the planning phase, then got a better idea of how it would flow as we went along. That meant a lot of crossing out :) but I liked having all the options in one place.

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That's what happened for us last year. I basically listed all the options I had for each lesson in the planning phase, then got a better idea of how it would flow as we went along. That meant a lot of crossing out :) but I liked having all the options in one place.


You are a smart woman! That's what I am working towards this year. Instead of a specific week planned for a specific topic, I have a topic per page listed, for example, the Byzantine Empire, and all of the resources available to me. I highlight assignments that work on target goals so I am sure to include them. Then I can reshuffle the order or topics when I make a final decision and do the crossing out you mentioned. I made the tables in Word and I wish I had made them in Excel for ease of moving between topics which is how I do my yearly plan.:tongue_smilie:

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Where were you last year when I was doing Vol. 1 with my ds? :glare:


J/K :) This looks like a great list. I'm going to copy it and save it for when I do Vol. 1 again in a few years with dd. Thanks for all your work!


Be sure to clue us in on any suggestions you have for the latter part of vol. 1 or for vol. 2. Never too early to get started on next year!;)

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