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I have gigantic children!!!

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My 10 and 13 year old both wear the same size shoe as me (8 1/2).


My daughter (13) is 5'6 and still growing. Her brother (10) is 5-5'1 and is on his way to over 6 feet.


I am 5'3 1/2.


I think I'm getting a complex. When I was a kid I was the shortest of the family. My brother/father over 6 feet, my uncles 6'4, my mother had relatives that were 6'11!!!. My cousins were taller than me. I bet the dog if he stood on his hind legs would have been taller than me (a german shepherd).


Now my kids are towering over me.


I have a short complex.

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It sounds like you have tall genes. Did you ever have a serious illness when you were a child? Studies have shown that a single serious illness can limit growth in a child, but you'd still have that tall gene to pass to your kids.

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my 14yo ds can wear my shoes (I wear 10's) and we look eye to eye (I'm 5'9")


Like my MIL says to her boys where in high school (she's 5'2" and her boys are 6'): "Don't think I can't still turn you over my knee!!!" Of course she jests. It's funny though.

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It sounds like you have tall genes. Did you ever have a serious illness when you were a child? Studies have shown that a single serious illness can limit growth in a child, but you'd still have that tall gene to pass to your kids.


I have scoliosis and I always say that I would be at least 5'7 if my spine were straighter.


When I was a kid my father pulled out old family photos going back to the early 1900's to show me that there were indeed short people in my family. Few and far between but they existed.


My nieces are 5'10 and 5'11. Crazy!

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Wow, your 10 year old really is a big lad! My 11 year old is big too, he is 5'2" and wears a size 10, my husband wears a size 11. My husband is 5'11" and I am 5'7".


I have to buy size 14/15 clothes for my 11 year old!


My son wears an adult medium t-shirt!


I remember when my brother was in high school and my mother had to buy him XXL shirts.

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We grow 'em big here too. I totally understand.


Same here.


Dd is just 12 (last month.) She wears a size 10 shoe. She has not yet hit puberty and is 5'6". I was 5'11" at 14 though and dh was 6'2" at 14, so I imagine that's her future...

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Guest ToGMom
We grow 'em big here too. I totally understand.


:iagree: My 17 year old dd wears a size 11 shoe and is about 5'8". My 14 year old dd wears a size 10 shoe and is about 5'10". My 11 year old ds wears a mens 7 shoe and is about 5'2".


I'm only 5'3" and wear a size 8 -- my husband is 6'3" and wears a 14 shoe!! At least I don't have to worry about anyone borrowing my stuff...:lol:

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