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Spanish for 8th grader?


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I have spent hours reading over threads to the point where my head hurts and I still don't know what to do. I'm hoping that maybe I can save myself several more hours of reading if I could maybe get some specific feedback?


I want to start my oldest on a modern language this coming year in 8th grade. I kind of wish I would've started him sooner, but that's ok. (He has done Latin up through LC II.) I'm considering starting my 5th grade ds in Spanish as well but haven't decided on that for sure.


As you know, there are so many mixed review for pretty much every curriculum so I feel more confused than ever. I want something that will be a fun and easy introduction but I also want it to be somewhat meaty and have grammar and whatnot. Most recently I've been researching "Spanish for Children" and "So You Really Want to Learn Spanish". I'm also looking at "Spanish the Easy Way", "Tell Me More", "The Learnables", and "La Clase Divertida". I read about the Discovery Streaming Spanish and it looks interesting as well. It seems like this would be a good choice if I wanted my 5th grader to do Spanish as well.


Clearly I'm confused and overwhelmed! Would any of these programs not be good for a 13 yo - specifically one with no previous Spanish? Which would work for "rolling in" my 5th grader if I decide to do that?

Edited by beccasboys
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Is he too old to start with Spanish for Children? I really want something that won't be too teacher intensive or time consuming for either of us b/c I was going to drop Latin this year but he actually, to my shock and delight, wants to continue with Latin! Soooo, I think we might do First Form Latin and some kind ofSpanish. I'm nervous about doing both languages b/c I think his schedule is a little heavy to begin with. I'm trying to look ahead at what we might want to do for Spanish credits in high school but I'm thinking I just need to find something for this year for now...

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I'm using UnitedStreaming Spanish - Educación Española:middle school for an 11 yr old and 13 yr old and they have had no problems at all with it. We also do FLVS Spanish during the year but the Unitedstreaming Spanish program is easily a complete program if you use the worksheets and tests along with it.

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Thanks! I mentioned it to my dh and he said he didn't feel it was as economical as some other programs b/c it can't be reused by the other kids since it's a 1 year subscription. Hmmmm.... I'm still considering it.


I'm looking at Visual Link now also...

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My children have a spanish tutor from Spain, but she uses Berlitz materials for them to work on. They have a workbook and cds for every lesson. The material is fun and the cds have catchy songs to help the children remember. She picked Berlitz after much research in the United States and Spain.


One reason I like the Berlitz material is that it teaches them to speak AND understand a Spanish (from Spain) accent or an accent from Latin American countries. I pay her fee (which includes materials and cds) so I am not certain what the program actually costs.

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Thank you for the replies. I think where I'm struggling the most is trying to decide what kind of Spanish I want for my 8th grader this year. I don't know if I want to do an in-depth and thorough program where he could possibly earn hs credit, or if I should keep it a fun/quick/easy program. I think I want to introduce Spanish to my 5th grader this year as well so that kind of complicates things. When my oldest does Spanish for credit, I like SOS or Visual Link. If I do one of those this year though, I'd have to do something different with my 5th grader. It's especially hard to make a decision w/out seeing any of these programs (I'm very visual! lol!). Decisions decisions...


Oh, and I should add that money is an issue and I couldn't do SOS this year if I wanted to b/c my computer won't support it (or whatever).

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Spanish for Children and Visual Link Spanish for grade 8.


We did SFC in grade 7 and will continue along with VSL for practical application. SFC is great for vocabulary, learning verbs, and grammar but not great on speaking/listening and games (but there is the new free online games).

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I think I'm getting close to a decision. I think I'm going to do something simple and keep the kids learning together this year. I just came across Getting Started with Spanish and it looks really good (and super affordable - yay!). I also like Spanish for Children so I think I'm leaning towards one of those two. Next year my oldest can do Visual Link for hs credit (of course I could change my mind but that's the choice for now ;)). Soooo, I'm getting closer but need to decide between those 2 for an 8th grader, 5th grader, and the little 2 may tag along. Can anyone compare?

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We have Getting Started with Spanish and I really like it. I haven't started with my dd yet, but I have been through the entire book myself. I think the lessons are really straight forward and would work great for combining your dc. I also love how the authors have free downloads of pronunciation recordings for each lesson. And of course, like you said, you can't beat the price.


I also want to get the Latin book for myself! :lol:

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