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8th-9th grade curriculum concerns...please advise


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We have always homeschooled our boys...I have always used a variety of resources...Horizons math, SOTW, Joy Hakim, Easy Grammar, Apologia Science etc. plus a variety of miscellaneous books internet linked.

We live in a small town with very little homeschool support and so we have been strongly considering a local private Christian school or a small public school that is highly recommended. If we go the Christian school, we will wait until next year as it is only 9th-12th and we want both boys to go at same time as my youngest son is the more social and I know it would be very hard on him to be at home just the two of us. The public school could be an option this year but neither of my boys want to discuss going and they say they don't want to change our way of schooling. I just want what is best...friends, extra activities...things I feel they are missing out on due to the lack of opportunities in our area. If we lived in or near a city, I wouldn't be having these concerns which bothers both me and the boys but that's just how it is for now. My husband's job has always moved us about every two years but looks like we may be here longer. So, what to do on curriculum this year...I am feeling sad, depressed and just can't get it together to even think about picking out books this year. I usually am so excited and already have books on order and picking out fun things. I have no motivation this year and I worry that after a fun summer of being around friends and activities...they will wake up in the school year and hate their life. The guilt is eating away at me and yet I have friends that tell me we are doing the right thing...I have my parents and family saying they need friends and should go.

I am considering going the route of a set curriculum but I want one that will cover for both boys as much as possible. Is this possible with these grades?

Does anyone have these issues and problems with not knowing for sure you are going the right way? I think it is really bothering me because of their ages and they need the activities and friends more than ever before.

thanks for any advice and encouragement.

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:grouphug: I haven't raised a 8th-9th grade boy (yet, DS is 9 YO) but I used to teach 9th grade in public school. I honestly wouldn't worry about what my son is missing in that social mix, LOL! 9th grade boys are their own different kind of creatures. I loved 'em but it was not without its challenges.


Could you maybe get them involved in choosing their courses and curriculum for the year? Maybe plan some type of project that will get them out in the community? Community service for a senior center, retirement home, community outreach program for the needy, Meals on Wheels, or something like that? Even though they will not neccessairly be with others their own age, they will be socializing with other people.


Sorry I don't have more suggestions, I just didn't want to read and run. hang in there!

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have you considered the bju online content? we've used it for several years and it works really good. you could combine the boys for sciences and perhaps even histories. Plus, foreign language is free when you do a grade kit. I like this bc it frees them up to set their own schedule, it gets them being accountable to someone (the bju lesson plans) other than you, and in the end can actually free them up to pursue more social things outside of their studies.

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:Do you live in an area where they are allow to participate in sports and such with the public school? If so- do it! We live in Wyoming and here kids are allowed to. My rising 7th grader is going to play vollyball, basketball and either soccer or track. She also might start dance. We live in a VERY rural area also- but a Christian friend of ours just opened up a dance studio. Is there anything at all they can do? Also- they can play with their friends after school right? You said that the boys do not want to change their schooling- so I would really think about sending them anywhere! Are there any sports they can participate in at the Christian school? We are so small we dont even have a Chrisitan school. What about Chruch sports? Or could you start a church sports thing? Look into the few possibilies that you do have!!!



Also what about scouting? Any sort of thing like that where they could meet more people?

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I might look at what the high school you plan on putting them in uses. Go that route, so the elder will be right on track and the younger can really have a foot in the door. Other ideas might be K12, BJUonline, ALpha Omega Online, Keystone?, America's high school (name?). There are plenty of correspondence or textbook providers that may get them accustomed to working in a new format.


As for all the activities....I did a TON of activities in h.s. and quite frankly, there was one that really mattered by the end of h.s. It's all fun, but not necessary and certainly won't ruin your boys to skip out on all the extras. They are just that -- extras. Attitude and effort are really at the core of fun, not activities.


Since you'll be sending them off soon, I might spend this years focus on deep rooting your spiritual beliefs. Christian school means nothing in terms of attending believers or positive moral conviction in students. Enjoy each other. Nurture the relationship you have with your sons and the one they have with each other. Let them enjoy one last hurrah together as brothers before the outside world begins to take any sort of priority in their lives and make sure they truly understand your belief system and are able to defend their faith. I have boys the same age and they'll be starting CC after this coming year, so I'm kinda in the same boat. I am feeling the need, deep need, to make sure they're ready for the real world -- its an ugly place.


HTH and :grouphug: to you to be inspired to ENJOY this final year.

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Even if there aren't a lot of homeschoolers, can't they socialize with other groups? Are they in the scouting program? Is there a karate studio, or soccer club, or chess club? Ask the private schools if they have afterschool activities the kids could participate in. For that matter, ask the public school too. It sounds like, aside from socializing, you have a good thing going with doing homeschool. I wouldn't trade that in just for social activity. I would just try to find something outside the home that they could do - school related or not.


That's my two cents. Wishing you the best!




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Definitely post this on the high school board. But I would also encourage you -- if your DSs enjoy homeschooling and don't want to change, then I highly encourage you to keep homeschooling and find ways to bring in those other activities and socializing:


- do a 4-H program

- go for the Congressional Award for teens -- perhaps put out a flyer at the private school looking for other teens who also want to do it so they can do it together and encourage one another

- participate in community theater group, junior orchestra, or other arts group

- get involved in a history recreation group

- join a band or orchestra either at the private or public high school

- join a sports team at either the private or public high school

- join a after school club with either the private or public high school

- organization available to all high school students: DEKA, Youth & Government, Teen Pact, Toastmasters, National Forensics, Lego FIRST Robotics program (speech/debate), etc. (you may have to drive to a larger community for some of these but it can really be worth it!)

- do weekly volunteer work -- they will meet and socialize with a wide range of people that way!

- participate in a weekly church youth group

- host a regular book club, movie night, or a day where teen boys get together at your house and use tools to build projects

- host

- once a month, drive to a larger community to join other homeschoolers in doing a co-op class, science labs, social event, etc.

- one Saturday a month, meet with other teens who like to go airsofting, paintballing or other like-minded interest



What interests do your sons have already? Can you build a club or regular group meeting around that?



I'd also suggest doing the book "Do Hard Things" (Harris) together as a family, and see what ideas your DSs come up with. There is also a great companion website for teens to interact and encourage one another in "doing hard things."



BEST of luck in finding what works best for your family in the high school years!

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I've hs'd our son through HS and into college and I used to worry about him having social opportunities. As it turns out, I found that he liked hsing and didn't want to go to school to find friends or activities. We provided him with opportunites to play sports and he made friends there. He volunteered and early enrolled in college. All these activities kept him busy, connected and created friendships for him. It sounds like your boys are content with hsing and I think that is important. If they are happy and want to continue then I'd give that a lot of consideration in the decision making process. Good luck with whatever you decide. :)

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Well, I appreciate all the great advice...in fact, I acted on it this afternoon by calling the Christian high school to talk with the principal about participating in any of the activities. I also called another Christian school that goes up to the 8th grade and asked if they have any activities that homeschoolers can participate in. So, keep your fingers crossed that one of these will have something to offer. The high school is starting a golf team this year and both of my boys play golf...I would love that to be an option. I talked with both of them today and they both said that they did not want to consider school this year other than homeschooling. I told them that is ok by me but I know once summer in over and their summer fun is done that they may feel isolated.

Thanks and I welcome anymore great ideas.

Oh, and we have tried scouts in the past...not our thing as well as 4-H. Wish they were but just didn't do it for us. I

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Boy, you've gotten some great insights and advice here from all these wise people.


I would so very much agree with those who have said to enjoy your young men and build strong relationships with them. There are negative influences everywhere, and in every school - yes, even in Christian ones.


While I understand the "need" for socializing, I wouldn't worry about it so much. If your young men sense/hear you worrying about it, it could easily become more worrisome to them. It will all work out. You might decide to send them both to school...but in the meantime, maybe try some of the hive's wonderful suggestions and take a deep breath. :)

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