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Sending kids to private school - grade placement help, please??

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My husband and I have decided to enroll our two oldest boys in a local Classical Christian private school. But we're struggling a bit with grade placement. Academically they seem prepared for grades 1 and 2, but maturity level is questionable.


Our oldest just turned 7, and we did first grade here at home last year. He's completed CLE Math 1, and reads at a 5th grade level. However, he still struggles with staying on task, focus is poor, handwriting tends to be sloppy. He'd be at the young end of the class in 2nd grade. We think he can handle the academics, but we're a little concerned about the social/focus/maturity issues. Would it be better to place him in 1st? Seems like that would be frustrating for the little chap.


Similarly with our next son. He'll turn 6 a few days before school starts. He's reading long vowel words, and doing fine in math. So, academically he is prepared for 1st grade. But in terms of maturity - he's still a snuggler, likes to suck his thumb (time to stop!), prefers to get up early and then take an afternoon nap. But to put him in kindergarten & have him do a year of cut and paste....


Any thoughts??

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Does the school do any sort of assessment? I know my DD's parochial school wanted to meet the kids, do a little academic testing, and just get a feel for the child before they decided on grade placement, especially \for kids within a couple of months of the cutoff date on either side.

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I homeschooled my 15 year old daughter for several years and put her in Christian school. We were doing 9th grade in homeschool but when she went to school we put her in 8th grade. The main reason, at the time, was because the school was doing work that was more advanced than what we were doing in homeschool. She did okay but she still struggled and in this school there was only one teacher per subject and if she didn't grasp the way they taught, she had a really hard time and that was the case for several classes (history and English especially) and this school was not equipped to offer extra help. I pulled her and now she goes to PS where she can get all of the help she needs (and she takes advantage of the extra help).

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I would ask the school what their behavior expectations are and really talk to the teachers. You may find that a thumb sucking first grader isn't exactly unique, or you may find a highly academic K program is perfect for him.


is very rigorous and I wouldn't be surprised if there were other 1st graders with advanced academic and reading skills. Especially with boys, I would strongly consider maturity issues in placement.


Girls too, my girls are academically advanced but very late puberty and I've found my advanced 15.5yo dtr to struggle a bit socially. Puberty hits pretty hard for some kids.



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I know it seems very far away, but think about how old your sons will be when their friends start dating, start driving, graduating from high school, going to college. When we put our homeschooled son into Christian school at 6th grade (he was 7th at home), we went back a year, because he was right on the cut-off for age. Academically he would have done fine. But socially, it was the best move we ever made. Being one of the oldest in the class encouraged leadership and maturity, thus helping with making and being a good friend. It also gave him a self-esteem boost and a competitive advantage. It put him at the top of his class, rather than somewhere in the middle, or even at the bottom (socially and academically). And now that he is a senior in high school, I am SO glad he has an extra year before going off of college. For him, but also for us! I would HIGHLY recommend going back a year.

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Goodness. Talk to the school. 2nd graders are really NOT that mature. We did public school for K-1st and BOY, do I have some stories. I think your boys are probably just fine. In fact, you should see our Cub Scout Pack. :glare: And my husband...:glare::glare:


If it's any consolation, my 8 yro still sucks her thumb at night when she thinks no one can see her and she pets a little square of crocheted material. :glare: And when she was in ps, the school thought she was the most incredible thing to step through their doors. :rofl:


I think as parents, our expectations are a thousand times higher than the school's expectations.


Don't worry and don't hold them back. It sounds like they're really intelligent boys. They will do great.

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