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Online book club- put on a transcript?? Wanna join :)

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I know book clubs can be listed on a transcript, but I was wondering about online book clubs?


Also, would anyone like to join a book club? If so, I'd start a blogspot on it and we could discuss the book there, or here.


I read all types of literature. Jane Eyre is my type of light reading so even though I am 16 I read adult-type books.

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I would love to join an online book club! I have actually been trying to find one. I'd start my own but I don't have the time to dedicate to administering it, sending out emails, moderating etc. Great idea! Count me in if you move forward with it!

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I meant college applications, sorry.


You know, the part where they ask about outside hobbies or activities and such?


ETA: Oh, and I'll be definitely starting one. I will PM you both, and anyone else who expresses interest in joining once I get it all set up and figure everything out. Should be about 2 weeks to a month.


Thanks :)

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I was thinking of doing classical books along the lines of these:




Every once and awhile we can throw a "fun" one in there that we vote on.


Any objections?


Feel free to voice any opinions or suggestions.


Those books look like a good selection.


What about setting a book for us to read whilst you get everything set up, so that when the website is ready to go, we will have something to talk about?


Maybe something "fun" like an Austen or Bronte, just to ease those of us who have never attended a book club into it?

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Those books look like a good selection.


What about setting a book for us to read whilst you get everything set up, so that when the website is ready to go, we will have something to talk about?


Maybe something "fun" like an Austen or Bronte, just to ease those of us who have never attended a book club into it?


That is a great idea :)


Any books you have in mind? I like Austen and Bronte so as long as you all are okay with it, how about Emma or Sense and Sensibility?

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That is a great idea :)


Any books you have in mind? I like Austen and Bronte so as long as you all are okay with it, how about Emma or Sense and Sensibility?


What about Sense and Sensibility?


And what about setting a date that we should have read it by? What about 4 weeks, which would be the 25th of July. The on the 26th open up a discussion for the book, we can then spend sometime discussing the book, whilst we read the next one. And for the next one, maybe only 2 weeks to read it, unless it is a big huge book.

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What about Sense and Sensibility?


And what about setting a date that we should have read it by? What about 4 weeks, which would be the 25th of July. The on the 26th open up a discussion for the book, we can then spend sometime discussing the book, whilst we read the next one. And for the next one, maybe only 2 weeks to read it, unless it is a big huge book.


Sure. I am all for that book. If rfoster and MorganClassicalPrep don't have any objections we can read that one. I just want to make sure everyone is on the same page and such. I have never did this before so I am a bit nervous about making final decisions without everyone in. Lol.


P.S. I am going to read the book anyways for fun since I haven't read it yet. So even if they want to read something else, at least me and you could discuss it and then we can all discuss the other book together :)

Edited by BeatleMania
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I would like to be in on this too! I am already in book club IRL, but have never read Sense and Sensibility. I should be able to read for both clubs in the summer, no problem! Let me know the details as they develop.


I love this idea... I am trying to put a book club together for my dd using skype

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That is the blog for the book club.


It would be nice if you could just leave a comment on the post that is there telling me your name so I can have a sense of who is in and make a list. There is also a poll, if you could all please vote.


The first book will be Sense and Sensibility, and like someone else suggested we should read that in about a month so we can discuss it around the 24th of July. By then, the blog should be all ready for our book club.


I will make a post about what book we're reading, Sense and Sensibility, and then if you have questions before we discuss it you can post them.


I'll make more specific guidelines later. :)

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