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Favorite books/stories for 4-5yr old boy?

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My boys are 5 and they have pretty varied tastes. Are you looking for picture books? Early readers to get them ready for reading? Chapter books for reading aloud? Longer classics and books for reading aloud? My kids do all of those at various times. It's so individual too.


We do a lot of chapter books (those short, usually series books that come before the slightly longer books) as read alouds and I recently did a blog post about boy chapter books:




We do longer books sometimes too. My kids love Roald Dahl. We're working our way through Dragonrider by Cornelia Funke and they've loved that. They loved The Tale of Desperaux. They really liked Nim's Island. I could go on for a long time...

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I have to limit my ds to just 2 or he'll check out all the Billy and Blaze books at the library. So another vote for those here!


He also really likes The Egg and The Dragon Snatcher by M. P. Robertson.


He's reading shorter chapter books independently now and loves the Flat Stanley series.


Some favorite read-alouds/audio books have been The Cricket in Times Square, Mr. Popper's Penguins, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the Chronicles of Narnia (we're working through these now), and My Father's Dragon and sequels.


Echoing the previous poster--what kind of books are you looking for? I could add more to all of these categories! :001_smile:

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If you are looking for read-alouds ,look at Sonlight grade 1 and 2 read-alouds list. I second the suggestion for Read-Aloud Handbook . Suprisingly, my son loves Little House in the Big Woods and is begging to finish LH on the Prairie. Who would have thought??? Also, sonlight has a good list of readers to choose from. My ds is 6 and we are reading some of the advanced 2 readers. So, be sure to look at 1st and 2nd grade. I am going to follow this thread. I feel like I need to go buy a Billy and Blaze book today!!

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My son is 4 1/2 and he'd never sit for longer read alouds. He likes when I read him poems and enjoys especially Shel Silverstein poems but still likes nursery-rhyme type poems, too.


He enjoys Dr. Seuss books.


There's this very early "chapter book" called "Fire Cat" that for some reason he just loves, he'll have me read that over and over.


Also, at the library recently we found a picture book that had no words. He loved when we sat and just made up the story based on the pictures, and that he could do that, too.


But other than that, no particular favorites. He likes when I take him to the library and let him just pick out a handful of books on his own. Some of them are hits, some of them aren't, but he likes being able to choose them.

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Alistair and the Elephant

Alistair in Outer Space

Alistair's Science Project

by Marilyn Sadler


It isn't Easy Being a Bunny

P.J. Funnybunny Camps Out

by Marilyn Sadler



Also try:


Great Books for Boys by Kathleen Odean




The library should have the Odean book.

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