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Lightning Lit 7 question


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I have this for my 6th grader that we will be starting in the fall. I'm done some of the "best" books, and I think those books might actually be a little harder...hmmm..


Anyways, as I'm trying to figure out how to do this, I was looking at the schedule, and it seems to me that they schedule a TON of time to read these books. For example, I think they give 7-8 weeks just to read Tom Sawyer. I know my son can do it in much less time than this. Are many of you tweaking this for that reason? I'm wondering if we'll get this done much sooner than I thought. Maybe I'll have to do another "Best" book. What have you done with this?

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My 6th grader did LL 7 and we found the schedule to be really generous too. We ended up finishing the program in easily less than half the time. That left us needing something more too. I added more books and did study guides. I'm giving Lit Lessons from LOTR a go this fall. :)

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My DD did LL7 for 6th grade. She read the books on her own and then we read them together. She reads on her own constantly and is a fast reader but I found that if she ran into a word she wasn't familiar with she would skip over it and sometimes she didn't always get everything that was going on in a story. We had a great time reading together and discussing the vocabulary and plot lines. We plan on doing LL8 for 7th grade. We were able to go more quickly than the schedule provided but managed to fill the time with extra books for history and science. :)



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7-8 weeks to read Tom Sawyer :confused:


I guess I did not pay any attention to the time alloted. My son reads the next book for 30 minutes a day until it is done. He read Alice in Wonderland in 2 days and will start the lesson for it on Monday. I am guessing that he read Tom Sawyer in a few days, but don't really remember.

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