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May I scream for a minute?

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We are in the middle of moving and whilst we wait for a couple of things to get sorted, we were going to stay with my MIL on a temporary bases. I say we, I mean me and my ds. Dh is borrowing his brother's camper to sleep in. It only has one bed in it, or else we would all be in it. We planned it this way as because dh has to get up really early for work, and we thought it would be polite not to be waking his mom and dad up at 3am every morning.


So, we are all set to move into her house this weekend. Electric is due to be cut off in this house on Monday, same as the phone. Well, MIL calls dh today and said that there is no possible way that I and ds could stay there. What?? Her reason? We might mess up her sewage pipes!!! I ask you, what the flippin-flap does that mean? There is nothing wrong with the sewage pipes.


So now we are running around rather like this :willy_nilly:


Everyone we know that has a camper we could borrow is on vacation. We don't have enough money for a motel. I am not going camping; it's Florida and it's summer, that is all that needs to be said on that.


Whilst I try and think of something to do, I am going to eat lots of chocolate.


Agghhhh!!!! People really do annoy me at times.

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Maybe your husband needs to have a *talk* with his mother!


I'm sorry! I hope she reconsiders! Tell her that your son can use her trees ;)


He has tried to talk to her. We think that she may be going through the early stages of some form of dementia. Her mother had Alzheimers, and from what I gather she was very much like MIL is at the beginning stages of it. Wild mood swings, forgetting she has done or said things, and just generally not her normal self.

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Oh, dear! Scream all you want. I'm assuming she is worried that her septic system isn't rated for an additional two people. Even so, it's certainly rude to give you such short notice! It's time for DH to call his mom and figure out what the issue is.


This is the same house that dh grew up in. There was MIL and FIL plus three kids. The other grandkids stay over there all the time. So I don't know what her problem is.

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:grouphug: Can you talk to FIL instead? If she is in early stages of dementia, perhaps he can run interference for you. How long were you planning on staying there?


Dh tried talking to FIL, but he said that once MIL has made up her mind, there is no changing it.


We were planning on staying three weeks. Our landlord wants us out, but the new place it not ready until July 17th.

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He has tried to talk to her. We think that she may be going through the early stages of some form of dementia. Her mother had Alzheimers, and from what I gather she was very much like MIL is at the beginning stages of it. Wild mood swings, forgetting she has done or said things, and just generally not her normal self.

That makes things much harder, doesn't it? I hope you can figure something out very soon!

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Wow. I'm so sorry!!!! I agree with the PP - are you a member of a religious community? Could you appeal to them? I bet someone has a place available! How big is your dh's brother's camper? Could you buy a blow up mattress? Snuggle up on one bed? (forgive me if I seem stupid - I don't know campers!!)


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Dh tried talking to FIL, but he said that once MIL has made up her mind, there is no changing it.


We were planning on staying three weeks. Our landlord wants us out, but the new place it not ready until July 17th.


I'm so sorry you're in a tough spot right now. Well, here's hoping against hope that your MIL changes her mind -- or forgets that she said no. Is there some kind of trade-off that you could do for her?


* Maybe someone on this board (or any other board you may be part of) whom you trust can help you in some way?????????


*Is there anyone you know that have a cabin with running water . . .??????


*Can you house sit for somebody you know that is on vacation or will be going on vacation?


Just soooooo wishin' something will open up for you all.

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