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I finally purchased HST+!!!

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Watch the videos, they have helped me the most.


:iagree: There are videos on just about everything you'd want to know free on the website - they walk you through things step-by-step. The forums are also very helpful - ask about what you're trying to figure out. They respond quickly.

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I downloaded the users manual and had it open in one window while working through things in HST+ in another window. I found the manual very helpful. Also, one suggestion from the forums I found helpful was to make a 'test' database where I could play with something and try it out without having to worry about messing up my 'real' database.


If you organize your lesson plans in weeks like I do, one of the biggest helps I found was a suggestion on how to sequence your lessons. Instead of just numbering 1,2,3, etc. start with 11 and number them with the first number being the week and the second number being the day. So our lessons skip from lesson 14 (week 1 day 4) to lesson 21 (week 2 day 1) since we school 4 days a week.


Also there are Yahoo! groups that have a lot of lesson plans that other users have created and shared. I haven't used any of those yet because I am pretty anal about how I want mine set up, but they did help me get some ideas about how I wanted to plan my own.

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:iagree: There are videos on just about everything you'd want to know free on the website - they walk you through things step-by-step. The forums are also very helpful - ask about what you're trying to figure out. They respond quickly.


I agree and I found that it was too overwhelming to learn it all at once so I learned step by step. I waited until I needed to learn about a certain part and then watched the video and just gave it a try. I think the manual would have been too much information for me at one time.

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WOOT! :party:


I wouldn't get the manual...there are videos on the website and the help files are...well....helpful!




I am sure you can PM any of us on here and ask for specific help and the HST website has a forum as well!

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