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Anyone been watching "John Adams" series on HBO?

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I've been enjoying this series (aired on Sunday nights, though I DVR it and watch whenever I find the time!). Really enjoying it!


I heard it was partially filmed in Williamsburg, in order to get historic detail correct and exact - interesting! I would say it is more of a "grown-up" show (some scenes of them in bed; some gore during battle, etc. Not much, but enough to be questionable.) I wish it had less of that, b/c we are doing SOTW Vol 3, and this fits right into what we have been learning. It would be great to have DS9 see it for the story and historical details! But I think he's a touch young for it. I don't know. I keep thinking maybe I could fast-forward through those spots for him!


Anyone else taking it in? Comments? Opinions? Letting your kiddos watch it?


- Stacey in MA

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Guest Virginia Dawn

We can't see, it because we don't get cable. It was partially filmed in Williamsburg, we passed by the filming site often. Dh got to meet David McCullough!

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My dh and I are watching it and enjoying it. My kids are studying American history this year so it is interesting to see a show about the time period they studied earlier in the year. However, we're not allowing the kids (ages 9 and 10) to see the show because there are several scenes that I just don't think they need to see (such as Ben Franklin in the bathtub with a French woman). Although some of these scenes are quick and could be easily ignored, I just think it is not for them.

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Yes, it's marvelous!


And I *am* letting the kids watch with me. They have surprised me with how much they're enjoying it, and it has caused them to be much more engaged than they otherwise would have been in some of our studies (that have serendipitously matched up exactly)...


As for appropriateness... So far the "bed" scenes have just been of a married couple in the bed having discussions, so that didn't concern me at all. There has been some blood and gore, but really only enough to give the idea of what violence and war does, and I've been okay with that too (in this context). I'm an episode behind, so I'm not sure if there's anything in the 4th episode that I'll want to edit for the kids. There was some lewd talk and implication with Ben Franklin (especially while in Paris), but I just subtly fastforwarded through one conversation that I wasn't comfortable with... Though, truly, I think all of that would have gone right over my kids' heads. (Oh, there was also the man who was tarred and feathered in the first episode -- he's naked very briefly from a distance when the mob rips his clothes from him. It didn't bother me -- the nudity anyway, the brutality was pretty horrific -- but I know it might distress others.) So far my dd was most upset by the small pox -- it *was* pretty gruesome.


Anyway, I've loved the series so far. It's so incredibly well-done, with such amazing respect for the characters it presents. I've watched the episodes on my own, just for myself (and to keep an eye out for bits I want to skip with the kids) and again with the kids, pause button at the ready. I end up stopping every 10 minutes or so to make sure they know what's going... And still, they've begged almost daily to see more.


I'll definitely be buying it when it comes out on dvd...

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Yes, it's really very good. Unfortunately, we can't show it to our kiddos without some editing because, well, it's an HBO show and they take every opportunity for nudity. :001_huh: Like, I get that men were stripped, tarred and feathered, but don't need to SEE the jewels themselves, thank you! LOL

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I watch it on Sunday nights and then let the kids watch it later in the week. Here it airs several times throughout the week. I make note of any places that are too inappropriate for our children. It drives the kids crazy when I turn the TV off in the middle of the show, but they are enjoying it enough to watch anyway! They only miss a few minutes of each show.

The show inspired me to order a biography of Abigail Adams. And it worked out well as an intro to our history next year. We will be studying the American Revolution in the fall.

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Watching it here too, though not with DD. She's only 4 1/2! But for what it's worth, I FF through the gory parts, and that's just because I'M the squeamish one! I FF'd through the tarring part, as well as the guy with the horribly injured leg on the ship. Still need to watch the last two episodes, as they are stored on the DVR.

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I've been enjoying this series (aired on Sunday nights, though I DVR it and watch whenever I find the time!). Really enjoying it!


I heard it was partially filmed in Williamsburg, in order to get historic detail correct and exact - interesting! I would say it is more of a "grown-up" show (some scenes of them in bed; some gore during battle, etc. Not much, but enough to be questionable.) I wish it had less of that, b/c we are doing SOTW Vol 3, and this fits right into what we have been learning. It would be great to have DS9 see it for the story and historical details! But I think he's a touch young for it. I don't know. I keep thinking maybe I could fast-forward through those spots for him!


Anyone else taking it in? Comments? Opinions? Letting your kiddos watch it?


- Stacey in MA


Please don't tell me they are showing John and Abigail Adams having s*x.

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Please don't tell me they are showing John and Abigail Adams having s*x.


They did *kind of*


It was when she first arrives in Paris I didn't notice it the first time I watched it because I was knitting but then I watched it again and it did look like it.


But it was more a clothed/fall on each other thing than Pr0n and not really noticeable.

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