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Age-appropriate Chores

just Jenny

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DS started with picking up his own toys at around 18 months. We sang a time to clean up song before nap and bedtime and sorted the toys into the bins and such in the playroom. It's nice because now DS can easily pick up and put away his toys :) he will also help clean off the table and pickup messes throughout the house. We just make sure to praise him a lot and say thank you for his help.

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My 5 year old son wipes the table after breakfast and helps with a load of towels once a week. He folds them (though sloppily). He will unload the silverware, though that's supposed to be older brother's job. He pulls the comforter neatly over the bed and picks up his clothes. He loves to water, pick up sticks, help weed and dead head flowers in the yard.



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Our boys (6 and 7 with 2.5 yr old twins help) clean up their toys, empty the dishwasher, empty the dryer (the 7 yr old knows how to load and start the washer), put clothes away after I fold, feed and water the chickens(pick up eggs)and dog, clear the table after dinner.

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On my 3 & 5 yr. old's chore chart -


Make bed, brush teeth, get dressed, dirty clothes in laundry, practice piano (5yo), dump 2 of the household trashes (bathroom, school room, bedroom, etc.), and clear their place after eating.


Some of the chores on my 5yo's chart that are "extra" are vacuuming, clearing the entire table after dinner, and unloading the dishwasher. By extras, I mean that he doesn't have to do them yet, but he is learning them and does them when he wants for extra perks. (Today he vacuumed the entire house for me.) Soon, those won't be optional. ;)


They also put their laundry away when I do it. And cleaning up after playing is expected.

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I found this little book, "What Every Child Should Know Along the Way" by Gail Martin to be a gem. It has lots of ideas for Biblical character studies to use as family devotionals and covers lots of manners and etiquette. And in the back there are lists of age appropriate skills and chores. We've used it as a guide on what to expect from the kids as far as helping around the house and teaching them manners for hosting and visiting friends, phone etiquette, etc. It's on sale for less than $5 from gfi.org. Check it out!

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I'm still learning this as I go, so I'm enjoying this thread. I just re-made my 3.5 yo's chore chart last night though, so thought I'd share.

These were already on his list:


Morning Routine

-make bed (help me make it)

-get dressed, put away pajamas (still learning how to fold)

-brush teeth

-wash face

-comb hair


Evening Routine

-take bath

-put on pajamas, put away clothes/shoes

-brush teeth

-tidy up toys and books


I am now adding some weekly chores for him to learn (some he was already doing a little). These correspond with my own weekly chores:

-feed cat

-help Mommy dust (Monday)

-put away (his) laundry (Thursday)

-help Mommy change (his) bed linens (Friday)

-help Mommy clean boys' bathroom (Friday)

-help Mommy fold towels (Friday)

-empty boys' bathroom trash (Saturday)


He still requires supervision for all of this and some of this he is just learning. I imagine it will take months (years?!?) to really learn some of these things, but I want him to begin learning them along side me. He also does things like clear his place after meal and sometimes help me set dinner table, but these aren't included as "chores". Also, he sometimes likes to help me with extra things I'm doing (because he thinks it's fun) like wiping baseboards, etc. Well it's Friday, time to start teaching someone to fold towels...


Edited by Amie
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