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How would you handle this? - RE Dr's office

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First of all, DH has been out of work for almost a year, and unemployment has run out for us. That said, we have no insurance for ourselves (the kids are on Medicaid). 2 weeks ago (June 4th) I went to urgent care and spent $94 to get a prescription for a $27 antibiotic for a UTI that I KNEW I had (nobody - my family dr - would diagnose over the phone). I spoke with my uncle who is a physician in MN and he felt that it was the standard of care to treat a woman with an uncomplicated UTI (especially one who has a strong history of them like me) over the phone. He was frustrated that nobody would help me.


So anyway.....I took my 10 days of Macrobid. Yesterday, symptoms started to return, and by today they are as bad or worse than they were originally. Not sure where to start since I originally went to urgent care, I called urgent care. They informed me that I needed to call my family doctor first, because they couldn't help me without me coming back in (and thus spending another $94). Fine, I call my family doctor, and I'm still waiting on a call back from them, but was told that he's "probably going to want to get another urine and to see me". This is going to cost me MORE than it did to go to urgent care, but I truly cannot afford to do either one.


I have time and time again shown that when I say I have a UTI - I do. I've never come in for one and not had one. I have a dr diagnosed UTI on file from 2 weeks ago. Why do I need to come in just to switch antibiotics?? They don't seem to care that I don't have insurance and can't afford this (why would they??).


So......when they call me back, if they say I need to come in again, do I press the issue?? How??? And, what would you do if they don't budge? I literally cannot afford to go in. We do not have the funds. They have no sliding scale (I called around before I went in on the 4th).


UGH!! I'm so frustrated.

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So......when they call me back, if they say I need to come in again, do I press the issue?? How??? And, what would you do if they don't budge? I literally cannot afford to go in. We do not have the funds. They have no sliding scale (I called around before I went in on the 4th).


UGH!! I'm so frustrated.

One reason they would want to see you is so they can culture the urine and find out what is causing the infection. Then they run sensitivities, to see which antibiotics will work. Lots of people will treat once without a culture, but if the infection returns, they will *really* want to do the culture and sensitivity. It's not a good idea to keep treating something without knowing what exactly the problem is, kwim?


I'm pm'ing you.

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if you know you have a UTI and it is not a kidney infection I would go to walgreens or cvs get you some cystex and uristat, together shouldn't cost more than $20. That will stop the pain and start to clear up infection also drink lots of cranberry juice and water. As a person who went 10 yrs without health ins. this is what I did many times. If you go the dr. route, first ASK for a cash discount if they aren't giving you one and then ASK for samples and explain you have no ins. and have an all ready stretched budget. I am sorry you are having to deal with it btdt. :grouphug: Hope you starting feeling some relief soon.

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Well, you have made a good case for assistance to those who need help with health care.:grouphug:


I can hear your frustration. But, I think that I would be concerned with why you still have a UTI after a full round of antibiotics. How is that "uncomplicated"? And, if you have them as often as it sounds, that seems like a problem to me.


I am no doctor, but it DOES sound like you need more attention than a phoned-in prescription. I would say you have a responsible physician. Just my thoughts, but I do feel for your situation.



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if you know you have a UTI and it is not a kidney infection I would go to walgreens or cvs get you some cystex and uristat, together shouldn't cost more than $20. That will stop the pain and start to clear up infection also drink lots of cranberry juice and water. As a person who went 10 yrs without health ins. this is what I did many times. If you go the dr. route, first ASK for a cash discount if they aren't giving you one and then ASK for samples and explain you have no ins. and have an all ready stretched budget. I am sorry you are having to deal with it btdt. :grouphug: Hope you starting feeling some relief soon.

:iagree:If you have no moral objection to it, add a beer in with the cranberry juice and water.

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One reason they would want to see you is so they can culture the urine and find out what is causing the infection. Then they run sensitivities, to see which antibiotics will work. Lots of people will treat once without a culture, but if the infection returns, they will *really* want to do the culture and sensitivity. It's not a good idea to keep treating something without knowing what exactly the problem is, kwim?





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One reason they would want to see you is so they can culture the urine and find out what is causing the infection. Then they run sensitivities, to see which antibiotics will work. Lots of people will treat once without a culture, but if the infection returns, they will *really* want to do the culture and sensitivity. It's not a good idea to keep treating something without knowing what exactly the problem is, kwim?


I'm pm'ing you.


Yikes - then you are adding in all kinds of money for tests and such.


To the OP - are you sure there are no free clinics in your area? Even the health department? Also, if you have no income, you will now qualify for Medicaid.

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I do have a strong history of them, but after a 6 month round of antibiotics several (more than 5) years ago I really haven't had too much trouble (I've had less than 4 since). I think this antibiotic just simply does not work for me. I have a friend that gets UTI's frequently too and it does not work for her either. I usually take Cipro.


The culture thing makes sense (I went to nursing school, so I do have some medical knowledge).....I wish they could/would try my regular antibiotic first though.

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We do have a free clinic in town, but their capabilities are VERY limited. I once went in for a sore throat, because it was bad enough that I was concerned it might be strep. Turns out, they didn't have the ability to test for strep. So, I waited 2hrs for my turn only to have them tell me that they couldn't help me.

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Tell the dr. you are having to pay this all out of pockets that are pretty empty. We've run across alot of doctors that are more than willing to work with you if they know the situation. The thing is the doctor himself, many times is not aware that you may be paying out of pocket. The office manager and receptionist might but the doctor won't have a clue.


They like to culture the urine to see exactly what bacteria they are dealing with to decide which antibiotic will be most effective.


Have you checked with your local health department?

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