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New York HS'ers -- what months do you school?

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Im just curious because my dd is almost done with PS and Im starting to think maybe we should start School in August and then we wont be so pressured for time (36 week ps calendar) and we can have the option of taking more time to do day trips or week off here and there. ?? :001_unsure:


Just wondering what others do? Thanks :D

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I'm not in NY, but we started mid-August this year for the reason you mentioned. We're going to start beg-August this year to give even more wiggle room. We're still finishing up this year, and we'd like to be able to end a bit earlier next year. I think starting early is a great idea! You never know what will come up during the year, it gives you more flexibility, and it greatly reduces stress. :)

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We are wanting to move to upstate NY. When we do our schedule won't really change (well as far as I know :) the best laid plans....). We school year round.


Lighter in the summer and heavier in the winter but it makes it easier to say "Ok lets take a break for a couple days". We take time off for Thanksgiving and Christmas to do fun holiday things. We take birthdays and some holidays off (Independence Day, Memorial Day, Easter). It just makes it much more relaxed in our house.


Just don't ask me about chores...that is another thread I posted :glare:

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We are not going to be finished till July because we took numerous sick days and a vacation this school year. I would like to start this year in the middle of August so that this doesn't happen next year. In upstate NY, you are not trapped in your house from the heat, and so I try to take the summers off. My favorite months are May and June, but I have never been able to work it so we have much time off during those months.


By school standards, we do way more than 180 days. I don't count field trips, testing days or sick days as a public school would ( it makes my scheduling easier not to include these). I actually plan 180 of school, and we do school lite in the summer (no reporting).

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Our last day was June 11 and we will be off till....July 19. My goal is to get in 15 school days over the 7 or so weeks between mid July and early September. Three weeks done will really take the pressure off!


When my children were younger we schooled year round but now many of their friends are in regular school and I like them to have some time with them, so we keep the summers very light. *I* was the one who needed the break right now!

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