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My 4 y/o son and a newborn guinea pig-- PLEASE HELP!!!!

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My 4 y/o son snuck into my dd bedroom and took one of the babies that was born this morning. We found it after about 25 minutes under a bed. The bed was rediculously messy :cursing: so my dc are cleaning them now (mattresses off) (The messy under the bed is a WHOLE different thread- had NO CLUE is was that bad)



So my question-- will the baby be ok? Will the mother guinea pig try to hurt it?

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I had lots of guinea pig babies when I was a kid. The mom we had was really good and never rejected a baby. What you might do is rub a little 'litter' on the baby to mask any human scent and put the little guy back in with the other babies. Might also help if when you put him back in, you distract mom with a treat. Keep an eye on him for awhile until you are sure she isn't treating him differently. Good luck!

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I think it should be fine. Guineas aren't very fierce, usually. :) And, since the babies are born ready to eat and run, I think that it's possible that even in nature the baby might get separated from the mom for that long. Put them back together, and watch carefully from a distance. Aren't baby piggies just SOOO cute?? :D

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Thank you for the reassuring! THey are cute!!! (dont tell anyone I said that ;))



She only had two and she was running around her cage- I am guessing looking for it (haven't checked for he/she yet) and has the baby in the corner and she is blocking it LOL. I dont see any aggression yet-- but oh how scary!


BTW-- ds will NOT be touching the piggys for a long time! We made sure he knew (at his level ofcourse) what could have happened!:001_smile:

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The comment about guienea pigs being ready to breed very young is very accurate in my experience. My mother is a retired public school teacher. At one point she had a guinea pig in her classroom that she had gotten from another teacher. It was from a litter that had been born in this teacher's classroom. The other teacher told her the the baby she had given her had been "fighting" with her father. Needless to say Mom had quite a surprise later when she arrived at school one morning to discover a baby guinea pig sitting beside the class guinea pig.

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