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Does anyone use SOTW 1 with TOG 1?


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We used SOTW along-side TOG for reading only. It is listed on the right side of the assignment page as an alternate reading source, but we always added it each week. TOG lists which chapter of SOTW to read weekly so it matches up with the current area of TOG study. This makes SOTW chapters often out of sequence, but it does work. My dd loved having SOTW included in her weekly reading assignments this year. It is a great choice!




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I haven't yet, but I'm planning to. I looked quickly at the first two units awhile back, and it seemed like SOTW was listed as an alternate every week. I like them both so much I just couldn't choose. :001_smile:

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Like HSMom2One, I read the SOTW readings according to the Alternate Resource schedule in TOG. My ds6 got a lot out of it this year :001_smile:. They do end up out of order but I am mostly concerned with keeping my ds in sync with his big sister. I add in some of the primary TOG resources for LG for my ds6, but the SOTW readings alone are sufficient much of the time. I use the narration questions in the SOTW Activity Guide as well, but I have only used a handful of the student pages otherwise. I like to have them available though.

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Like HSMom2One, I read the SOTW readings according to the Alternate Resource schedule in TOG. My ds6 got a lot out of it this year :001_smile:. They do end up out of order but I am mostly concerned with keeping my ds in sync with his big sister. I add in some of the primary TOG resources for LG for my ds6, but the SOTW readings alone are sufficient much of the time. I use the narration questions in the SOTW Activity Guide as well, but I have only used a handful of the student pages otherwise. I like to have them available though.


I am hoping to use SOTW 1 this year with TOG 1 for my son's grade 1 year. He will be almost 7 by then. Previewing the SOTW through preview pages and also at a recent homeschool convention I attended, I think my son will really like this addition even though he is in the LG level and TOG has it as a UG alternate. Even though we currently own almost half and will be getting all the rest of the primary recommended LG resources for this year, I am willing to exclude some of the other resources if I have to (if we can't fit it all in), in order to include SOTW and some of the AG activities. Or, I may even just read it to him at bedtime and use it at the UG level again. We shall see. Good to hear it worked so well for your 6 year old :).

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I was a little weird since I read through SOTW 1 sequentially with my firstborn way back when....


But like I said earlier, I was mostly concerned with keeping my kids on the same topic this go-around. They were able to do TOG's lapbook together, they were able to have dinner table conversations with Dad about what they were learning together. I liked the history "mojo" this past year :001_smile:. My dd10 told me she remembered very little about what we had read in SOTW when she was little :tongue_smilie:. I decided not to sweat it too much if my ds wasn't picking up on every little last thing. I focused on dd10's history and brought little brother along for the ride. Another nice side benefit was that my dd liked (and volunteered) to read many of the UG resources to her little brother. I really liked last year. We had fun :001_smile:.


Now, we're one week into Year Two....we'll see how this goes :lol:.

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Do you do sotw in place of the primary history and history indepth readings or in addition to them? I was looking at that for the future just to save some money on buying all those books. I like to buy the books and will have D and LG kiddos.



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Ack, I had it all typed out and I think my computer ate it somehow...


For my ds6, I just flat replaced most of TOG's Primary Resources with SOTW. I cherry-picked some of TOG's primarys for him if I thought they looked interesting and/or we already owned them.


Shelly, may I ask how scrambled the chapters end up when one follows the TOG year plan? I am thinking now that, given my son's age and also the fact that at least for this year (since the cost of the LG Year 1 books is not too bad) we will be buying all the books, it might be best to just read it to him at bedtime separately from our Core TOG materials. This way I don't have to read the chapters in a messed up order, which I know he will not like. I could also leave it as summer reading after we are done with TOG.

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