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Gardeners.. :( Help!

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I am a first year gardener. Most of my plants are doing REALLY well. My zucchini plants are HUGE and already had several small zucchini growing. Most about 3-4 inches long. This past 7 days, we've had over 10 inches of rain. I went out today and most of the little zucchinis are rotten. :confused: Did they get too much rain? Any other suggestions? Do I go ahead and pull them off the plant? What do I do??

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If the problem is not squash borers (darn things, the bane of my existence!) or slugs, then the yuckiness could be due to incomplete fertilization of the squash blossoms. I take a clean paintbrush and share the pollen between the male and female blossoms. The female blossoms have a bulbous area at the base of the flower, btw.


For slugs, you can try beer traps or copper strips along the beds or buy something like Escar-Go, which contains iron phosphate along with a slug bait in a pelletized form (looks like white TicTacs) Escar-Go is animal/wildlife safe. I get it at the local Southern States.

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the yuckiness could be due to incomplete fertilization of the squash blossoms. I take a clean paintbrush and share the pollen between the male and female blossoms. The female blossoms have a bulbous area at the base of the flower, btw.




This was my first thought too. did they start to rot when the flower withered? if so than it is a fertilization problem

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