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What are your daily routine(s) for kitchen maintenance?

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I empty the dishwasher first thing in the morning while my water is heating for tea. I put dishes in the dishwasher and clear counters after meals. I scrub down everything and shine the sink after dinner, then start the dishwasher before bed.


The kitchen is about the only clean place in my house, but it's *my* room. :D

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Guest janainaz

DS10 has to empty the dishwasher whenever it needs to be done (usually early am and late afternoon). I never keep dishes in the sink, unless they are waiting for the dishwasher to finish running. We go through a TON of dishes daily, and there are only four of us. I can't control that.


I wash all the counters every day, and wipe them down whenever necessary, which is usually about every hour in my house. It seems there are always fingerprints or crumbs.


I clean the stove along with the counters - it's a flat surface electric stove and it's easy. I also wipe down the microwave and refrigerator daily when it needs to be done.


My kitchen is in the hub of the house and so I keep up with the floors. I do them on my hands and knees once a week and sweep and spot clean them daily. Overall, I like my kitchen to be clutter free and the counters clean. But it takes constant picking up all day, and reminding my kids that I'm not the maid. My dh and my two boys are responsible for rinsing their dishes and putting them in the dishwasher. They are not super wonderful with wiping counters down, although they do try. I usually go behind them and get whatever they missed.


I do the inside of the refrigerator and organize the pantry once a week.

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We don't have a dishwasher so I do the first "batch" of dishes right away in the morning. This usually consists of dinner dishes because if I don't get to the right after dinner I don't have time until DS is asleep, and the one thing that is guaranteed to wake up the munchkin is running water. So, I wait. Counters get wiped down, floor gets swept and "spot scrubbed", and the sink is scrubbed every morning as well. On MWF I wipe everything down (counters, fridge, stove top, sink, walls behind sink and stove etc) with cleaner. On Saturdays I mop.

I'll do another batch of dishes mid-afternoon, usually after lunch and initial dinner prep. I try to have all the dishes (except for the ones currently in use) done at dinner time so that if I don't have a chance to get to the dinner dishes before DS goes to sleep I can stick them in the sink so I don't have to look at them.

Some days I slip and don't do anything but the actual dishes and a quick wipe-down of the counters and it drives me crazy. My kitchen is uber-tiny so if it gets even remotely cluttered/dusty etc it just makes the entire kitchen and living area just seem dirty and smaller.

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Get up and empty dishwasher.

I clean sink, table and counters after every meal and keep loading up the dishwasher for an evening run. Sweep floor.


Before weekend grocery run: clean, declutter and organize fridge and food closets. Mop floors.

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-wipe all counters

-sweep (sometimes twice)

-clean sink

-put out fresh towels and washcloths

-do dishes as we go -- no dishes left in sink after meal/snack prep


Weekly (I know you said "daily" but the 'weeklies' keep the 'dailies' manageable!):

-clean out fridge

-clean out microwave

-dump crumbs out of toaster

-clean range

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Those of you who said that you "clean all surfaces" - is that counters? Does it include cabinet doors? and drawers? Or is that a "spring cleaning" type of chore?


I clean counters daily and wipe down the stove top. I clean the drip trays on my stove and clean my microwave once a month. I do cabinet doors once a month, unless they start looking bad. I clean out drawers & declutter cabinets and the pantry seasonally - maybe once every 3 months or so. I clean out the fridge every week, either before or just after my big shopping trip for the week.

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Those of you who said that you "clean all surfaces" - is that counters? Does it include cabinet doors? and drawers? Or is that a "spring cleaning" type of chore?


'Surfaces' to me means counters. I do the fronts of the cabinets and the drawers periodically.



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Wash dishes by hand (pots & pans, utensils, plastics)

Put away handwashed items

Load, run, unload dishwasher

Clean sink and counters, wipe off stove


Take out garbage

Put away all clutter and general stuff left on counters

Clean appliance and cabinet doors of noticeable spots.

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