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Discovery Streaming--- What do you use this for?


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I"m thinking of this for Spanish I for my dd who will be in 8th grade next year. I just looked at the list of available titles and I have to say I was a bit overwhelmed!


What lessons/subjects to you use? What do you like/dislike about it?




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I haven't used it yet, so I'm not much help. I just wanted to say it is overwhelming. I am going to use it for Spanish for my three youngest next year, and I think I am going to use their Economics to help flesh out a half credit for my 11th grader. Not sure what else yet. There is so much on there. I did hook up my computer to the copier at my dh's store and print out the list of titles. It helps to have it in my hands to look at.

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I have a kindergartener, so we get a lot of value from the Magic School Bus, Between the Lions, and Reading Rainbow episodes. I've also found some good science and social studies videos. The shows are all very thoroughly indexed - it's nice to be able to just quickly find a little clip about giraffes or whatever, instead of having to wade through longer material to find what you want to show.


A lot of their videos have, shall we say, marginal production values. They're the kind of corny, badly-acted movies we used to watch in elementary school. But I've also found some great things. It takes sifting - unless it's a show you know (like the Liberty Kids series or Magic School Bus) you can't just grab something and assume it will be good.

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....Usually science or history. If it is a day I haven't planned well for one of those subjects (or if we just needed a "lighter" day than normal), then I'd say "Let's watch a video!" lol!


DS11 really enjoys to watch them, so we actually have it planned right in to our history rotation of tasks. After he's completed the readings, the map work, summaries, etc., we find a video related to that week's subject on US. This year (grade 5 for him) we also used it for Human Body learning - lots of videos on the various systems of the body. There is so much to explore!! This end of year, we are finding it great for videos on animals, as that is presently our science topic. I would say we didn't use it much when our topics were physics and chemistry, though! Definitely for history though....


FWIW, I also used it for my little ones to watch Peep, Aurthur, and Magic School Bus! It helped get through the mornings...


I highly recommend it, if it fits into the budget as a supplement. If it's not affordable, don't feel left out. So much of it can be found at libraries and online too. It's just such a convenience!!

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I also have a young child.


We use it for Spanish (Elementary Spanish) and to support other curriculum areas. My DD loves the Magic School Bus and a science series which has a little dragon in it (I think it's British?). It's also been handy for finding materials that support other areas. For example, I was able to find a little "monster Math" clip on making 10s that worked well with our lesson in Singapore, a video of the James Marshall version of Goldilocks to use in our fairy tales studies, and various clips showing the life cycles of insects for science.


I don't know that it would be as useful with an 8th grader, but it's been very nice with a 5 yr old.


We do have the computer connected to the TV, so I can start the videos on the PC, but watch them on the bigger screen and in the more comfortable room. The TV resolution also comes out looking less blocky and nicer than on the computer.

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