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Cloth Diapers

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We love our cloth diapers, too. DH was always on board because of the cost savings, but he's not so fond of the poopy ones. Then again, he wasn't good at changing poopy disposables, either! LOL


I wish we'd used them with our first two. The baby hasn't had any of the severe rashes DS2 had, even though they have the same fair, sensitive skin.


Have fun with your new stash! The hard part is not buying every cute new dipe you see (or trying every new system you hear about)!


Edited to add that we always have sposies on hand. I use them for overnight, and whenever we are out. But I go through about one package a month instead of one or more a week!

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I loved cloth diapering my last DD. It made diapering so fun!:001_smile:My DH was not overly excited about cloth diapers when I started and he turned into a total supporter. He took care of poopy ones and everything. Just let your DH get adjusted to them. He may became a support yet! Have fun!

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Yes, the pre-folds were a learning curve. I got it eventually. Most of the 3 1/2 years DS was in diapers we used Kushies, an all in one type; the flannel types in hot weather for better air circulation and the type with included diaper cover in cold weather to protect his outer clothing.


I ended up creating a great way to clean DS without buying "disposable" wipes. I bought delicate baby washclothes and a large container of wipes. When the wipes were used I cleaned the container and filled it with the washclothes, and a mixture of baby bathwash, two drops each of lavender and chamomile essential oils, and water. I kept this in a small baby wipe warmer which looked like a small heating pad. When the cloth was used it went into the diaper pail with the diapers, and washed in the washing machine.


For the laundry process, I kept diapers and wipes in a dry diaper pail. The few times I tried a wet pail it smelled too much. I used laundry soap from the health food store, two cleaning cycles, and two rinse cycles with water only. Then, I would use a rinse cycle with a cup of white vinegar. I hung them up on a rack in the house to avoid the damage the sun does to cotton. We were pretty happy with it all. The only problem was when we ran out of diapers out of the house. If I were to do it all again, I would keep a dozen in the car for emergencies.


Good luck and happy baby land.

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