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Just Needing To Talk About What Is On My Heart

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Have you received any info yet? I agree with a preious poster that three days isn't long to wait, but hopefully you heard something by now.


Whether the school has to give you services depends on the state you are in. In the state I live in and the one we moved from, homeschoolers have no legal right to services at the public school. Some schools do it anyway, though.


A lot of support groups have broken down in recent years as more people get their help and advice online. Sometimes it's really hard for new homeschoolers to find people locally to help them, unfortunately. I would encourage you to ask a lot of questions here. If you want specific info about homeschooling laws in your state, even, you can post here. There will be someone who knows. :001_smile:

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:grouphug: Orangello I am so sorry that they treated you as they have. Honestly, until I read that you are African American, I just assumed it was because you were bucking the system and branching out on your own to homeschool. Many have similar experiences - unfortunately. They don't want to do anything to help while they've got your child, but as soon as you say you're leaving to teach them yourself, then they take it as a personal attack and feel they need to do whatever they can to either change your mind, or make you feel guilty for your choice. They know that it points out their own failure in providing what the students need.


A few years ago, I wouldn't have even given it a thought that someone of color would be treated differently as a reason for just about anything. I was from the north. But now I'm in the south, and it's been an eye opener. The prejudice is horrendous. Most of it is done quietly, but the sentiments are there all the same.


If you read about others experiences with public school systems, it is their usual way to placate parents telling them that they're going to do special things to help out their children, and then they do nothing but keep putting it all on hold. Each meeting with them they promise change, but then the weeks and months go by with nothing being different. So I think that your experience is normal. Are you sure that what they can provide for your son is helpful? If it is - it's great that you were able to get him into the program. Way to go!!! Sounds like you've got a great advocate for your son working with you and that you'll get good direction from her too.


You know you're doing the best thing for your son. Don't let them make you doubt your decision! Have you found a home school group, or other home school families to get together with? It's so nice when you have the support of other moms - like you get here, but in person. :) Your son is still young, but the kind of socialization he'd be getting in public school as he gets older, he doesn't need.


I have no doubt that your son is going to get the best education possible, because that's exactly what you want for him, and you're willing to do what it takes to make sure his needs are met. You should be really proud of yourself for going to the school and getting what you went for! I can't imagine any of it was easy. :tongue_smilie: Keep up the good work!!! :)

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:grouphug: Homeschooling is a big decision but the bigger question for me was what do I really have to lose by trying? Worst case scenario, I flop, it's a total disaster (for me my fear was that I wouldn't be able to teach them to read and than how would they ever make it in life?). If worst case scenario had happened that would mean they go to school. However, my kids learned, are learning to read so it really ended up the Best case scenario. I love most of the minutes together, I get to see the excitement that comes from learning, see the aha moments and get asked millions of questions every day :) Sounds like you are trying to get connected with another homeschool family (ies) in your area and are researching the groups that are available to look into and plug into. This board is a great place to get advice, get support and best of all buy curriculum... Lots and Lots of curriculum.....:D

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  • 1 month later...
Have you received any info yet? I agree with a preious poster that three days isn't long to wait, but hopefully you heard something by now.


Whether the school has to give you services depends on the state you are in. In the state I live in and the one we moved from, homeschoolers have no legal right to services at the public school. Some schools do it anyway, though.


A lot of support groups have broken down in recent years as more people get their help and advice online. Sometimes it's really hard for new homeschoolers to find people locally to help them, unfortunately. I would encourage you to ask a lot of questions here. If you want specific info about homeschooling laws in your state, even, you can post here. There will be someone who knows. :001_smile:


Hello it has been a long time and I'm glad you asked. We are now in the month of July 24 and still no answer:glare:.

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I want to encourage you to give the homeschool coordinator a few more days and then make a follow-up call or even better, send an email request. I'm the director of a very busy group and while I try very hard to reply quickly to any requests, sometimes co-op related jobs have to wait until the weekend or until a big project is complete. It's also possible her husband simply forgot or misplaced his to-do list. Both of those have certainly happened to me. Please give them another chance!


You can also see if there are any other groups in your area. Quite a few groups have started using www.homeschool-life.com and their website lets you look for groups by state. Attend a class for homeschoolers at a museum, zoo, or science center and ask the other parents what groups and activities in the community their children enjoy. Most moms love to help new homeschoolers locate those types of opportunities.




Hi Sheri

I've yet to hear anything. ll of my contact info was given home number as well as email contact and still nothing:glare:.

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These are the type of success storys I like to hear.


If your son was in PS up to now and they could not do better teaching him math, you can hardly do worse!

I bet with one on one teaching there will be some encouraging progress.


I'd keep any conversations with the PS to the issue of speech therapy and nothing else.

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You did a great job of standing up to the school and getting what your child needed. As others have said it is very common for teachers and administrators of public and private schools to make you feel you are making a bad decision. You are not. Your child will have a much more encouraging environment. Hopefully you will find a homeschool group that will welcome you. I would call your hs coordinator again. Also check with your state organization, there may e a list of other support groups that you can contact. But you don't necessarily need a support group. We belonged to one for a year but because of distance and time we stopped. My children have graduated and are doing fine. You will always have people that will try to tell you you are doing a disservice to your son, that he can't get the education that he will get in school or the best one is, he won't get any socialization. Mine didn't have a problem. We found ways to get them involved with other kids, through sports, other activities, church etc. My kids are very well socialized and have done great with both kids their age and with adults. School won't help with those issues. My husband has always said to people who ask about socialization: When your child becomes an adult will he only interact with adults of his own age. No, he will interact with people of all ages. If that's so why is it so important that he be placed in school to only interact with kids of his own age. How is that socialization?

I have 3 SIL's that are public school teachers, a BIL who is a college professor and none of them liked the idea of us homeschooling. My parents weren't too happy either. Occasionally they would make remarks but we knew we were doing the right thing. Now that I have reached the end (I homeschooled from 2nd grade to 12th grade) my relatives have seen the real world of homeschooling and have seen how well my kids turned out. They no longer think we made a bad decision. There will always be people like that, thankfully we have found over the years that as homeschooling has grown more people are supportive. Take it a year at a time, ignore what other people say, Do what's best for your child and in the long run I guarantee your child will be better for it.

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