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Time for "would you eat this?"

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I have some TJ's chicken that's been in the fridge a while - normally longer than I'd leave fresh chicken in there for, but it's that kind that's in individual plastic wrappers. The date says sell or freeze by June 10th, which isn't yet.


I just took the last two out (used the rest a while ago), and while they don't stink, if I stick my nose right up to them, they have a bit of an odor.


Would you eat them?? The plan was to cut them up small and sautee/pan fry them.

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Probably not.


I'm ashamed to say I end up wasting a lot of food, because I just don't know how to judge if it is good or not. I can't smell anything unless it is really strong, and I haven't lived on my own long enough to figure things like that out. If I have any question at all about the quality of food/milk(!!) it goes in the trash....

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