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Dinosaurs and geography


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My 7 year old gets a subject into his head and becomes obsessed with it; first it was trains, then Jupiter, now dinosaurs. I try to use these obsessions to our advantage (if you can't beat 'em....).


I was thinking about doing a notebook about where dinosaurs were discovered. He would love it and I think it would be a great way to learn continents and countries.


Does anyone know a good source for free or cheap outline maps to print out? I'd love any other ideas anyone has!!



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Here's a link for free downloadable maps:




If you're going to study where dinosaurs were discovered, you could incorporate plate techtonics and see how the continents have moved during the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretacious vs. modern day.


Here's a site about pangea:



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We utilized Dinosaur Notebooking Pages by Notebooking Nook when we studied dinosaurs this year. It comes with 22-dinosaur pages and a number of black pages, in case a dinosaur you would like to study is not included. For each selected dinosaur, there is a coloring page, a facts page (name, scientific name, diet, fossil evidence, and more), a map page (Where in the world did "X" live?), a page that could be used for copywork, and a page that could be used for writing.



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Not exactly what you're looking for, but a very interesting book is "The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins"



"Graveyards of the Dinosaurs" would also be a good resource book for the type of study you want to do:


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Oh, also there's a teacher guide from Dinosaur World that may have something of interest, in case you want to flip through it:



The main page for Dinosaur World is:



Here's a cool map w/ dinos:


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