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Should I be worried about lead paint?

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As we repaint the interior, I want to scrape/sand/strip the old paint off of our trim around the doorways. It chips off horribly with normal wear and tear and there's at least 4-5 layers. I've started doing some scraping and it isn't too hard to get the first 2-3 layers off. I know the paint will go on better if we scrape as much as we can off and sand before painting.


My guess is that the paint isn't as old as the house, which is 90 years. It appears that the wood was stained or oiled at some point which is why the paint has a hard time sticking. I know there are two layers of wallpaper under the paint on the walls. I think the house used to be wallpapered with wood trim before it was painted more recently...but that's just a guess.


Years ago we used a home test kit to check for led paint in 5-6 locations, including in the trim in several locations. We followed the directions, making v cuts all the way down to the wood, and it didn't yield any positive results. Would you trust that in a 90 year old house?


We're kicking up a lot of paint chips and dust here...with young kids in the house. There's no way I can send them out, especially the little ones while I work. It'll take too long, it's too cold and wet outside, and there's no one to watch them.

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Is there any way you can have them stay out of the area you are working in? Then, put up a plastic barrier over the doorway. Another thing to think about is if you are still nursing, the baby could be exposed that way if there is lead. Maybe do another test kit just to make sure? I have no idea how accurate they are.

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There probably is some lead paint, but unless dc are eating it, I wouldn't worry too much.


You could cut the dust down a lot by using that citrus stripper stuff (very messy.)

Inhaling paint dust is just as big of a concern as ingestion.




OP- You might call your county public health department. They might send someone out or suggest a lab that can test for you.

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In the 80's a greater number of middle and upper middle class kids were showing signs of lead poisoning. They were not eating lead paint chips. They were called 'Renovation Babies' because they were inhaling lead dust from family home projects. The dust can get in the lungs, or it is ingested by mouth from hands as children move and crawl about homes where lead dust is present.


I would not recommend sanding paint from the walls of an old home with children in the vacinity. Caution has to be taken. There is information on how to do this safely. I would take every precaution. Sometimes it's best to leave it, too. Take as many large chips off as you can, and then kilz and paint over it. Sanding will make the paint take better, but you have to do that in a careful, specific manner. (And no vaccuummmmmmming chips and dust...wipe them up with a damp cloth).

Edited by LibraryLover
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