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Prayers please--emergency

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oh my goodness thank u 4 all the prayers &support. I typing on an itouch & it doesnt work well for typing. Dd is doing better had an extreme reaction to poison ivy after all. When we got there I tried not to cry bcause I barely could see the slit of her eye anymore. She almost didnt look like my child. But the swelling IS going down praise God. Looks like we may need to keep an epi pen with us at all times. Thank you all so so much. I feel so grateful to have alll this support. Now just waiting 4 the doctor in the morning to let us know what the next step is.

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Praying for your daughter Jennifer.


When I was about 11, I had poison ivy on my face, and it caused my entire face to swell up to the point that my eyes were almost shut. Other than being really itchy, it didn't cause any problems, and all was well within a week or so. Hoping it's something simple and she's well and back home soon. :grouphug:


Oh wow - I just read your update! She has what I had. In addition to my face, I had it between all my fingers. It was a loooong week. lol We went to my cousins house towards the end of the week, and my relatives didn't even recognize me. lol I've had poison ivy since, but never a reaction like I had when it was on my face.

Edited by Teachin'Mine
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