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S/O Xpost Hsing friends going to school...

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We've also lost several homeschooling friends to public school as my dds have gotten older.


How do you decide in your family where your children will be educated in middle and high school? How much choice do your dc get in the matter? What criteria do you use to make your decision?


I'm curious how this is handled in other families.




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We reevaluate each year to see if homeschooling is still working well for our children.


We did a special reevaluation at the start of middle school. We talked to neighbors with kids in our local middle school - all of them told us "don't do it!" And these are people who are staunch advocates of the ps system usually. We also checked out the school website, standards etc.


I'm sure we'll reevaluate again right before the start of high school. Ds will be in 8th grade next year. I'm planning now to go all the way through high school. I'm getting excited as I see just what a neat time it could be to teach him - although I'm scared stiff at the same time!

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My DH is adamant that our dc will attend private high school. They will have input into which schools they'll be applying to, but ultimately the final say is ours. The government-run school for which we're zoned is mediocre so that's not an option.


I'd like my DH to keep an open mind about other options such as the Stanford EPGY Online High School, early college, etc. but he's got his heart set on sending them to a top prep school.

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Right now, I'll make the choice for DD each year. I'm not completely opposed to her going to school, but have decided to homeschool for various reasons.


We homeschool primarily for the educational benefits. For example, DD is ready to start (and already knows much of) Singapore 1A. She is also reading CVC words and advancing quickly with phonics. However because of her January birthday, she isn't even able to start preschool until this coming year.


There are no schools around here that can meet my DD's needs. There are very few private schools even around, and I just cannot afford them, even if they could meet her needs. (I looked into one school, and they have a GT program even for the preschoolers, but it's a one day a week, couple hours a day pull out program. So... what would she do the rest of the time when the class is learning numbers/letters/colors/shapes, which she already knows?)


If we moved to an area where a private school could meet our needs, and our financial situation changed, and she *really* wanted to try school, I might be willing to consider it. Probably not, but I'd at least think about it.


I plan to homeschool all the way through, but I'm also willing to reevaluate if my daughter has good reasons for wanting to go.

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Funny but DH was adamant about DS 11 going to middle school but is less concerned with DDs being home through HS. Not sure where he stands on the younger 2 boys. I almost feel like he doesn't see the girls' educations as important as the boys?:confused: I am playing it by ear. We will see how it goes with DD 10 and if I think middle school will go well she will stay home. I am kind of scared though that I will have 4 at one time home. Hope I can handle that!

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This year my daughters are going to private school. They really begged to go so we are going to let them go and give it a try. We are very fortunate that we qualified for scholarships and the school's endowment. The total cost for 4 of my girls to go this coming school year is less then what I would spend on homeschooling curriculum for the year for them( that's even buying used, not kidding!). So I'm going to let them give it a go. If it doesn't work out then they can always come home. Its not written in stone.


Now if it were our local ps school. No way! I wouldn't send my pet dog to it. If my oldest attends this year and next year (7th and 8th grade) that's it. Public school is not an option for us.

Unless we hit the lottery and move closer to the city which is 45 miles away from us then she can attend private high school.


Like everyone else we evaluate every year. If they show an interest we let them spread their wings a bit. This journey is their's and not ours and that's the way I see it.

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Funny but DH was adamant about DS 11 going to middle school but is less concerned with DDs being home through HS. Not sure where he stands on the younger 2 boys. I almost feel like he doesn't see the girls' educations as important as the boys?:confused:


I don't necessarily think it's has anything to do with academics. Girls are often more peer-oriented and therefore more susceptible to negative peer pressure than boys. Also, like it or not, fathers are often much more concerned about purity issues with their daughters than their sons.

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