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What SOTW should I start with?


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Ok..this is my frst year HS'ing. I have a 3rd grader, pre-k, and 2YO. Does it matter what SOTW I start with? I see that they are all for grades 1-4, so what do I do with my DD starting at grade 3? They only did some American History in her ps for 2nd grade so she hasn't covered any of it

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Ok so the consensus is 1 :) Do I just try and do 2 a year so she is done in fourth, or maybe one in the summers or shall i not worry about playing catch up??

( I havent looked into what there is for 5th grade plus, i am trying to not look too far ahead, I just want to see what is need for 3rd and if any catching up is recommended)



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I would just do one or so a year - she will still learn an awful lot even if she doesn't finish until 6th or 7th grade. In later years you can add in more sophisticated materials if you wish. 'Hobbes' is working on book 3 now - I'd be happy for him to be working on book 4 at age 11 or 12. One thing to consider: the history of the 20th century is very painful, the more so by being closer to our own age. A little maturity for dealing with all that is no bad thing.



Edited by Laura Corin
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Ok so the consensus is 1 :) Do I just try and do 2 a year so she is done in fourth, or maybe one in the summers or shall i not worry about playing catch up??

( I havent looked into what there is for 5th grade plus, i am trying to not look too far ahead, I just want to see what is need for 3rd and if any catching up is recommended)




If you smooshed two levels into one year you'd end up barely skimming the surface. :001_smile: There is no rule that she must complete a history cycle by the end of fourth grade. Take it one book a year, and have fun.

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We are doing SOTW 1 from May through Dec, but my kids have been listening to Volume One forever. They know whole chapters by heart. We have also read The adventures of Odysseus a TON and they know quite a few Greek myths already. We have done several chapters in a week, but will slow down at different points. Since we go year round we will do SOTW 2 from Jan-Sept and start American History next fall sometime. I wanted to keep things in line with grade and at these young ages the study is not as intense.

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