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Woe is me. I backed into our parked truck

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with our mini van yesterday. Both vehicles damaged. My dear Dad just finished doing auto body repairs on our truck and painting it. (We didn't smash it in the first place, it was a salvaged vehicle.) It just makes me so bummed to know my Dad worked so hard and then I smashed in less then two weeks after receiving it.


I know it isn't the end of the world and I am thankful that no one was injured.


I was so dreading to tell my husband. I came home and he said to me "I did something really dumb." I said, "oh yeah, HOW dumb?" I was hopeful his incident was "dumber" but it wasn't. :glare:

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Don't you hate it when you do something like that. I once backed into my cousin's car after I had just finished talking to her while she was standing by that car. And dh has backed into our other vehicle on at least 3 occasions.


We have a silent pact now. I don't berate him about the careless things he does and he returns the courtesy - as long as the offender realizes how foolish it was.


I hope it goes well.

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My husband has done this... twice. You feel dumb now, but you'll laugh about it later.


Yes, like the time I was about 12 and making a cassette tape to send to my grandparents in Florida. I was taping myself singing or something in the family room, when I heard a huge "thud" in the garage on the other side of the wall and said, aloud on the tape, "Must be mom's home!"


It turns out it was actually my dad, hitting the back wall with his truck, since the driveway was icy. My mom was so insulted that I "assumed" it must have been her crashing into the garage, and it is still, to this day, a family joke, that any noise that suggests autobody damage must mean "Mom's home!" :001_smile:

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I did this driving my sister's car when I had just turned 16. I backed her car into her husband's truck.


A couple of weeks later I got a brand new car. She backed into it the FIRST week. She swears it was an accident . . .

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We were once in Nevada on vacation. My husband parked his car in a cul de sac. All the other cars were parked on one side in a row. He parked behind all the other cars on the opposite side of the sac, with plenty of room for them to back out between them.


I warned him that he was going to get hit, but he insisted that it would be very, very easy to see he was there. He was right, but it is just one of those things that seem that could be overlooked.



Sure enough, we all loaded into a friends van, and as we got in I reminded her that it was there. We sat and talked for minute, before she backed right into our car. LOL

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Bummer! Yes, you'll laugh about it one day.


My husband once ran his brand new BMW into the powder bath of his brand new house because the anti-lock brakes kicked in as he was scurrying into the garage during a downpour and the garage floor was wet. Talk about a bad day! And, both were insured by the same company!


He gets a lot of mileage out of that story, though. :)

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