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Abeka Academy

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I have been doing abeka k4 with my son who turned 5 in January. I am thinking of doing Abeka academy with him because I can't do the lesson and make it short and sweet. When Abeka says 15 min. I take 45 min. I was wondering if anybody has any reviews. I am also looking at it for my 2nd grader. I want Abeka just for the phonics and math. I am going to be doing SOTW for History, Apologia Young Explorers Series for Science, BJU Spanish, and Galloping the Globe for Geography. Any suggestions or tips on Abeka Academy pros and cons. Thanks for your help!


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I wouldn't do it. Way too much like school, way overkill when you have such young dc. And I don't believe you can choose just a couple of subjects but that you have to do every.single.thing with ABeka. I could be wrong on that, but I don't think so.:tongue_smilie:

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I have a friend that used it. She liked it because she was only homeschooling for one year. The next year, they moved and her daughter went into an A Beka Academy school. I don't remember if it covers every subject, but the TGs are different than the ones you have. They don't have any teaching notes, only the assignments and what video to watch. If you don't sit with your kids, you won't know what was covered and how it was covered (that's what I've seen with every DVD or Computer program). If I were you, I'd go to their website and look to see when they'll be in your area. If you can make it to a hotel meeting, they will give you 10% off the program, and you can actually touch and see the program. I see they're also doing "Webinars" now. I have no idea what that means, but it might be helpful.


As for taking 45 min instead of 15, I was like that with my first one.:001_smile: With my second dd, I knew what was necessary and what wasn't. The thing to remember is, your TG is adapted from a CLASSROOM TG. They write their lesson plans as if you have 20 kids that have different learning styles, and different needs. I skipped over half the Lesson Plans the second time around, and my daughter did great.





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I think the Academy only lets you sign up for full grade levels until high school. You can't just pick and choose courses unless it has changed.

I grew up in a private school using Abeka. It is a very good program. It is solid academically.

I tried using a few subjects this last year with their lesson plans for my 4th grader. It is wrote for a classroom and if you do everything in the book it is overwhelming. However, I have heard that with the dvd's that they don't do all the assignments listed in the regular lesson plans.

I would just check to see if you can do just certain subjects. The dvd's take a long time. It is set up like a classroom. The teacher is talking to a classroom of kids and asks them questions and they read aloud and such. It will take up a full day just like classroom school does. I have watched the samples and it will give you an excellent idea of what I am talking about with regards to your child being a part of the class.

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One more thing :D

I drop A Beka phonics and reading after K5. If your dd is reading well, or even an "emerging reader," you really don't need all the repetition in A Beka. If you need to cover more phonics, you could easily go with their "A Handbook for Reading," or even purchase "Phonics Pathways." That's what we did and checked out a ton of easy readers from the library. We also used ETC to reinforce the phonics skills she had learned.


If you're using SOTW, have you read "The Well Trained Mind?" You really don't need a formal reading program like A Beka once your child knows the letter sounds and blends, you just need to read! We use Drawn Into the Heart of Reading starting in 2nd grade. It's not necessary, but I like the literature analysis, and it has some great Biblical Character studies included. If you're looking for something like that, check it out and see what you think.




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I wouldn't do it. Way too much like school, way overkill when you have such young dc. And I don't believe you can choose just a couple of subjects but that you have to do every.single.thing with ABeka. I could be wrong on that, but I don't think so.:tongue_smilie:





There are so many great things out there to do. Save your money for the upper grades and look at WTM for ideas.

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I have a friend that uses it with her 4 children. They like it. I would go onto the Abeka website and look at the samples to see if its something you would like using.

I do agree that its something you would have to sit and watch the lessons the night before so that your knowledgable about the material being taught the next day.

I'm not familiar with Abeka's online but BJU's so I have an understanding of how it works. I used BJU video briefly for math. I liked it. My daughter wasn't to thrilled with it.


When you first teach a curriculum it takes a bit to get the feel for it and know what to use and what to weed out.

Most times if its pretty self explanatory I explain it myself without looking at the manual. I find if I look at manuals I tend to get lengthly in my discussions. LOL.

Now that I have four children I've almost got it down to an art. I just look at what I need, use it and go with that rather then letting the manual dictate me.


Either way , I would go to one of their hotel meetings and take a look at it. Only you know if that's what you need. Honesty in time you'll learn how to shorten things though. I promise :>)

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:001_unsure: I have to agree with Ellie here...maybe Abeka just for phonics? What about Singapore for math? Or CLE Math (if you like the workbooks)? Do you really have to spend money on Abeka Academy? Could you just buy the schoolbooks?


Have you looked at the Peace Hill Press Reading/LA/Writing? We use WWE and have been very happy with it.


I think the other stuff that you have planned looks great. :)

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You had me intrigued. I went to their website and looked at the new video options and they have combinations now. However, it wouldn't work for you, because the combos are:

LA and Bible


Math, Science, History, and Bible



Not a very good deal.



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