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2nd grade spelling wkbk suggestions please


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My 8yo dd is requesting a spelling workbook. Any suggestions for us?


At this point I don't want anything teacher intensive. I would like to see how she responds to an independent workbook approach first.


I think she spells at her grade level for the most part.

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My dd8 requested the same... I'm planning on trying Soaring with Spelling & Vocabulary (made by the same publisher as Growing with Grammar). It is newly published so there aren't reviews out yet, but GWG seems to be popular and I figured I'd try it out for 3rd grade. She looked at it and is very excited. We plan to do AAS (our current curriculum) on the side supplementary if time allows, but we needed to be less teacher intensive and she wanted the "workbook" :001_smile:.

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Harcourt publishing has one called Spelling Skills (sold at Barnes and Noble). It looks great ...price is great too!


We have used these with DD in the past. They are colorful and have a page in each lesson that works on proofreading, which was a real plus.

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ASC (Associate of Christian Schools) by Purposeful Design is very open and go. It's fun to do - both ds 7 (going into 2nd grade) and dd 10 (5th grade) will grab their spelling books and work independently. The directions are easy to follow - it teaches spelling rules and phonics methods at the same time. Christianbook.com has them for $18.50 plus shipping. Somehow I ended up ordering two 2nd grade books this year. Send me a pm if you want one of them. =)


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