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History textbook question

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If your deceased father in law had been a history major and you had a ton of history books would you keep them and use them (most are really old) Do history texts really get outdated?


The set I am currently looking at is a 6 volume set by Will Durant. (I guess the rest of the set, 7-11, was written after FIL graduated from college) At what age would you drag these tomes out? Are they just a PAIN to store??


I also have a 7 book series on Thomas Jefferson by Dumas Malone.


a three book series on the American presidents


How in depth are we gonna get in Jr/Sr high school?


Hmmm perhaps I should make a list....



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The Durant is considered a classic work. You may wish to keep that set.


If anyone in your family inclines toward history, it could be worth your while to prepare a list of the books, and run it by the history faculty of your local university. meaning, to find out which books are best worth keeping, and which better donated to a library.


If you have items on Byzantine or medieval history, please post the titles and authors !

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If you have items on Byzantine or medieval history, please post the titles and authors !


I'll keep an eye out for you, I'm moving the class room to the living room and have books all the way down the hall and back again. (plus more in the basement.) FIL was mostly an American history guy (He directed a museum for 25+ yrs) So I mainly have American History stuff and LOTS of American settler stuff.



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I don't think I really want to keep them or not keep them, I just don't know when I will use them. When do you ever need to know so much about Thomas Jefferson that you need to read 6 books? I'll probably keep them somewhere up high and out of the way for now. Thanks guys.



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Personally, I'd have a hard time devoting too much space in my house to books that I'm not sure I'm even going to ever use! My first thought would be to see if any of them REALLY capture my interest/attention and set them aside. Then I'd get on eBay or half.com and check out the going rate for the ones I definitely didn't want or was unsure about. You might be able to purchase a good bit of desired curriculum with the profits!

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